Chapter 34

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The night which had wrapped its way around Merlin Arthur's cottage, and through the village, curling against the buildings in the darkness, was about to break into a dim dawn and a new day.

Merlin stetched in their bed, warm and cosy. The night before had been a much needed respite in the planning that had consumed their days so much in the last few days and the pair lay tightly intwined, desperate not to let go of eachother in there sleep. They had falen into a restless slseep knowing that the calm would break with the dawn and soon their army would have to march on Camelot and a future that still seemed an endless distance away, of peaceful and magical rule.

Hooves thundered in the darkness, breath mited in the air as a man and a horse raced through the woods. A shout cut through the darkness as a figure pelted through the village.

"Arthur! Merlin! Wake up!" shouted the man, banging on their door in desperation after he jumped off his horse "Please you must awaken!" he cried.

The door slowly swung open on its hignes and a sleep addled Merlin stood in the doorway, hair in rouge tufts all over the place and rubbing his eyes.

"Beanjamin" he hiseed remembering he had been sationed in Camelot "what is it, what's happneend in Camelot" he said, in a hiss, glancing nervously at his neighbour's house.

"I have grave news" replied the other man with desperate eyes.

"Then you must come in at once " came Arthur's voice from behind his husband, and the pair stood aside to grant Benajmin entry.

"Sit by the fire, while we dress" offered Arthur.

"My Lovrd, there is no time!" Beanjamin yelled panickedly. "Uther marches on Ealdor now! He knows you're hear and he thinks...he thinks Merlin is responsible for your kidnap! I am only hours ahead of him. He meands to bring the battle to us!" he wailed. "I am sorry, your highness, I could not get away sooner. He'll be up on us in the morning"

"But Nothumbria's army is 2 days away still" gasped Merlin eyes wide in shock. Arthur's eyes glittered in the fire, something unreadable within them.

"If Uther is upon us, he will not allow us to await reinforcements. He means to strike while he has the element of surprise. Beanjamin" He said looking at the young man with such authority and dignity he straightened up without thinking. "Wake the village. The battle field is to be on the eastern slope, get everyone there, and hurry!" Beanjamin nodded and left swiftly to his task. Arthur and Merlin shared one final look in the dim light, before preparing for battle.


The morning broke anxious and clear. The air hung icy around Merlin and Arthur where they stood, watching their friends prepare for battle. Ealdor was a scurry of motion. People ran quickly to prepare for the battle that they were about to face, swords were being handed out from the forge and Leon and Percival were giving last minute pep talks to nervious looking villagers.

Gwaine strode up to the two of them, grin broad and relaxed. He clapped both of them around the shoulder.

"Aye lads, it's a fine day for a battle!" he said, voice merry.

"You've never fought a battle before, Gwaine." pointed out Merlin.

"Then it's a fine day to start." he replied, eyes misty and grin smaller as he looked into the middle distance with his gaze. He gave Merlin's shoulder a brief friendly squeeze before his smile juttered back into place. "It's been an honour, gents" he said, relaxed again as he sauntered off to join Will and Elyan's careful preparations of battle.

Hours later, as the sun rose golden in the morning sky, though cold clouds gathered in the distance, the lines were drawn. Hills rolled across the landscape, the brief twinkle of a clear and pure lake reflecting in the near-distance. Across the stretch of field Arthur could see the leagues of Uther's men, filling the distance in their numbers. In their presence, he was very aware of the scant scores of villagers and Druids who stood behind him, settled on their horses. He breathed deeply and savoured the silent moment: taking in the chilled breeze that made the war banners snap in their fluttering, the way the bird song drifted from afar, the nervous chatter of the armies and the way the cold air tasted of anitipication.

Thaumaturgyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें