back where it started

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peter's p.o.v

"-no thanks to you" i sucked in a breath as i realized was happening beck was back that son of b*ctch was back i turned around and saw tony but this time it didnt effect me how dare he

"how dare you? how f*****ing dare you" i looked beck/tony straight in the eye leveling him with my glare how dare he how dare he come back here after outing my identity and the nerve the f***ing nerve he has to impersonate tony? the the one person that i looked up too? the one person that crushed my heart? the one person that i could be around the one person who i regretted everyday not calling him dad not telling him how i felt not not even telling him the l word and and he passed before it? and he as the nerve to show up here and how the hell is he even ALIVE?!?!and and  this this first thing he does when he comes back? torture me with his illusions? of course he will of course he would *scoff* what did i even expect 

"what did you just say to me?" and and i couldnt help the anger building up inside of me when he said that like he expects me to respect his egotistical ass

"if your going to impersonate my dad then can you be a bit less cruel and look me in the eye when you do it?!" at taht he shut his mouth and stared at me wide eyes before

"look pete im not impersonating your dad and-" he looked toward sthe ferry and that even got me more angry

"dont call me that dont call me pete only he did and your the last person that deserves to call me that"  his breath hitched and i just i still didnt procces i was slipping up calling tony dad

"...okay uh look peter im not impersonating your dad, okay? thats that's not what *hesitation* what im heading at okay? look im doing this because i care and-" you you care? torturing me with illusions show that you care? not letting me see your face shows that you care? is that what your heading at? huh?

"what do you mean you care" i asked venom in my voice. and he got out of tonys suit even worse now im facing mr.stark eye to eye his features exactly as they where i took him and couldn't help but feel angry so so angry that that he had had the nerve back had the nerve to to show up and look like mr.stark like showing me his grave wasnt enough 

"what do you? what do you mean i care are you serious right now are you kidding me i had to save your sorry ass! because you thought that you could handle it well suprise suprise you couldnt and now here you are angry at me when im trying my best to help you!!!you know? people said i was crazy to recruit a 14 year old kid"

"im 15 i said on instict"

"- NO ZIP IT THE ADULT IS TALKING- what if somebody had died tonight huh?  different story right because thats on you and if you died? i think that on me" nope nope im not doing this 

"-HA who said anything about my death being on you? trust me that burden was long taken by someone else and you should know better then anyone that my dad took that burden with him to his grave so just- dont  copy his words don't make it sting then it already does  cause he's dead and no-one can replace him let alone you you've already hurt me mentally so right now right at this very second mr.stark i'm not angry im not upset just exhausted so either you leave or i do cause i dont want to put up wit your bs" he froze at those words seemingly speechless but then he did something that i almost threw up when he did it he looked at me with his eyes mr.starks eyes the yes the last time i saw them they where hollow empty but still had love shinning through them and i know i should have kept them to my self and and i felt week but my eyes teared up when he did

"alright your right peter im not your dad and its my fault for this-"

"ya no shit" he sucked in a breath and had this fire in his eyes some thing i never saw ever before in tony's eyes only protectiveness and love and safety

"so its not working out im going ot need the suit back" i stared at him bug eyed is he serious is is beck seriously going through with the acting the entire thing? is he seriously going to play me? ive underestimated his cruelty 

"no, no i will not give yo the suit oh you so very great mr.stark you know why? you know im not going to give you the suit? because i made this suit" but the second i looked down but-but is wasn't my suit it was it was tonys suit the suit that he made the suit that that we developed on and worked to make it better i the labs the suit that that i went up in the atmosphere ion the suit that started it all, i snapped my head back up at him

"i dont have any clothes" he arched his eye brows at the change of topic

"alrigh will work that out" and i couldnt help but glare at becks choice of words

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