Chapter 11

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"I need to talk to you about something." Emily said as her and JJ got back to their house. 

"Yes?" JJ asked. Emily took a deep breath and began to speak. 

"As you were at work, Garcia , Derek, and I were talking about what I am going to do for work. They asked what I went to college for, and I told them. They said I should get a job in that field. The problem is that it's more your thing, and I don't want to take away from that." Emily explained. 

"What do you mean? Did you do criminal justice in college?" JJ asked, obviously very confused. Emily never really talked about what she did in college.

"No. This may be shocking to you, but I was a dancer. I majored in dance in college and graduated, but the department chair person told me I would never make it as a dancer. So, I just gave it up. Derek and Garcia told me that I should audition with you for the DCC as well as get a job as a dance instructor and Uber driver. But, I know dance is more your thing." Emily said. 

"So you're telling me that you, a PROFESSIONAL BULL RIDER, was actually a dancer?" JJ asked, quite shocked at what she heard. Emily nodded her head 'yes' at her question. "Why didn't you tell me? We can be dancers together!" JJ said excitedly. 

"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly as flexible as I once used to be." Emily said. 

"We can work on that." JJ said with a smirk. "It's late. I need to get to bed, but starting tomorrow, we are going to start working out. I'm going to whip you into shape and get you flexible by the time DCC auditions come around." JJ said. Emily nodded her head, slightly scared because she knows JJ can be a little intense sometimes when she's in workout mode. Nala started to follow JJ up the stairs, but she went back down and cuddled up to Emily on the couch as Emily turned on the TV. There was nothing really on, so she turned the TV to Hulu and decided to watch an episode of The Good Doctor. Emily had laid down on the couch with a blanket over her. Nala snuggled up to her, and they both ended up falling asleep halfway through the show. 

When JJ woke up in the morning to get ready for work, she noticed that Emily wasn't in the bed with her and neither was Nala. SHe thought it was weird but proceeded to get ready. When she went downstairs, she saw Nala and Emily asleep on the couch. The scene in front of her melted her heart, and she didn't want to disturb either of them because they both looked so peaceful. So, she got her breakfast out of the fridge and ate it before she had to leave. She woke up Nala and got her ready before heading out to her car. As she drove, Nala ate her breakfast since she didn't get to do so before. 

When Emily woke up, she saw that it was almost noon. She groaned and got up. She didn't feel like making anything to eat, but she also didn't feel like calling anywhere to get food. So, she went with the easy route and made a bagel with peanut butter. She also had a water because her mouth was really dry. She looked online to see where there were dance schools, and there was a surprising amount. But, then she remembered that she lived in a big city. She found five different dance studios she could possibly teach at and wrote down the addresses on a piece of paper. She grabbed her keys and drove to the first one. She was nervous, but she took a deep breath and walked in. The first four studios weren't hiring a teacher, but the fifth and final one she visited was, and so she got an application and left. She was pretty hungry, so she decided to go to Raising Cane's for lunch. When she was finished, she went back to her house and filled out the application. Since she still had some time before JJ and Nala got home from work, she decided to just go and turn the application in. 

"You've been dancing since you were four years old?" the owner of the studio asked. 

"Well, from ages four to 23. I stopped dancing after I graduated from college." Emily answered. 

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