Chapter 5

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It was a long case for JJ. Hotch purposefully paired JJ and Reid together so that way they would talk. He didn't know exactly what happened between them, but judging from how Spencer's eyes looked and how they would ignore and stay away from each other, he pieced together that they were no longer a couple. "Okay. I know you hate me, but can you please just talk to me for now since we got paired together?" JJ asked Spencer. But, once again, he just kept walking to the black SUV. When they got back to the precinct, they went their separate ways even though they were supposed to work together. Hotch saw them and decided to call them into the conference room. 

"I don't know exactly what happened between you two, but I know you broke up. I put two-and-two together. But you need to put your personal lives aside and start being co-workers. You are apart of a team, therefore, you need to work as a team. I don't care if you go back to not talking to each other after this case is over, but for now, I need both of you to focus on solving this case." Hotch said. 


"No 'buts'. You heard what I said. Now get back to work." Hotch said, cutting Reid off. He walked away, leaving JJ and Reid in the conference room alone. 

"What's his deal?" Reid asked. 

"I don't know. But you heard what he said." JJ said, walking away. JJ went out to where they were delivering the profile, and Reid soon followed. After the profile was given, Hotch had JJ and Reid go to the new dump site since a new body was found. The entire car ride was silent, and JJ really hated silent car rides. "Are we going to talk? Or are we only going to talk to each other when we absolutely have to?" JJ asked. 

"I thought I was making it clear that I wasn't going to talk to you unless we absolutely had to?" Reid asked, looking out the window since JJ was driving. 

"Whatever." JJ said. Thankfully, they got to the new dump site a minute later, so JJ didn't have to suffer in the silence anymore. When they got done, they headed back to the precinct. On their way, Reid ended up cutting his finger on something, and he started to bleed. 

"JJ, do you have a bandaid?" Reid asked. JJ didn't respond since they weren't on speaking terms at that moment. "Uh, hello? Are you going to answer me?" Reid asked. 

"Oh, so now you want to talk?" JJ asked. 

"I need a bandaid." Reid said. 

"Do I look like a first aid kit?" JJ asked. 

"Can you stop being a bitch and tell me where the bandaids are?" Reid asked, starting to get mad. 

"Did you seriously just call me a bitch after how you've been treating me?" JJ asked. 

"I'm not the one who moaned someone else's name while making out with you. Now tell me where the bandaids are!" Reid shouted. 

"My God, they're in the glove box! And did you forget that I've been trying to explain to you why, but you've literally been ignoring me. I'm trying here." JJ said. 

"Well sorry for trying to get over a breakup." Reid said. 

"Whatever. Let me know when you're ready for the explanation." JJ said. When they got back, Derek told them that Garcia thinks that she found the killer. It was getting late, but they decided that they would go arrest him and bring him into custody for questioning. After that was done, they found out that he was, indeed, the killer, but there was someone else that he had, and they had to find them. After two hours of trying to come up with an answer, JJ finally got him to reveal where the person was without even realizing it. When he realized he gave it away, he started shouting. Derek grabbed him and forced him to stand up. He began to read him his rights as he walked him away. 

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