Chapter 16

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"Garcia, I need you to look up everything you can about a residence and the people living in said residence." JJ said, calling Garcia after the officers retrieved all of the drugs. 

"Of course babes. What's this mysterious address?" Garcia asked. JJ gave Garcia the address she was currently at and then went back inside and took pictures before calling Hotch. 

"JJ, what's going on?" he asked, answering the phone. 

"I need someone to come to the house I had a call at. It's very important and urgent." JJ said. She told him the address, and so he sent Morgan and Rossi to the scene. JJ took Nala outside so she could use the bathroom. After she was done, JJ cleaned up her mess and threw it into a nearby public trash can. About two minutes later Morgan and Rossi showed up. 

"Hey what's going on?" Derek asked. 

"I will just show you guys." JJ said. She lead them down to where she saw all of the photos. 

"Did you catch this guy?" Derek asked. 

"I'm going to have him questioned about it, but when asked who all lived here, he said there was another guy and a female. He wouldn't give up names though. I don't think he did this though. I think he just does drugs and sells it." JJ said. 

"What makes you say that?" Rossi asked. 

"When he saw me he definitely didn't know who I was. If he did, he would've had some sort of reaction. But there was none." JJ explained. 

"Okay. We are going to look over all of the pictures and look around to see if we can find anything at all. If we do we'll let you know." Rossi said. 

"Thank you." JJ said and left. She went back to the station and immediately got Nala some water as she could tell she was getting very thirsty. 

"Jareau, we're about to start questioning Mason." her Sergeant said. JJ nodded and went back to the interrogation room area. As they were questioning Mason, he kept denying an answer, which he had a right to. "Do you think you can go in there and ask him some questions?" her Sergeant asked. 

"Of course." JJ said. 

"Okay. Go in." she said. JJ took Nala in and had her sit in a corner. 

"Oh great they brought in the female officer. Do you really think you can seduce me into giving you the answers to the questions? Well you can't because I'm gay." Mason said. 

"Good because me too. We just want to know what is with all of the pictures in the basement." JJ said. 

"Well that's a curve ball. Never would've suspected you to be a lesbian. But I have no idea what you're talking about. They never let me go down into the basement." Mason said. 

"Who's 'they'? And why won't they let you go down into the basement?" JJ asked. 

"I'm not giving up names. But they won't let me go down because they say that it's a sacred place for them and don't want me to ruin it." he said. 

"If it was so sacred, then why was there drugs down there?" JJ asked. 

"Look, I'm not the only one that does drugs in that house. They do too, but they never get caught. I honestly don't care if I get their charges. They're good people. Really, they are. They just became friends with me and started to do drugs." he said. 

"Are you aware that they are stalking two people?" JJ asked. He looked very surprised. 

"What? No they aren't like that." he said. JJ got out her phone and showed him the pictures. 

"Really? Because they've been stalking my girlfriend and I for I don't know how long. This mural if you call it is why the basement is so "sacred" to them. I don't know who they are, but they are going to be found one way or the other." JJ said. 

"No. That can't be them. They are probably some of the nicest people I know. This has to be a set up." he said. 

"It's not because I found that along with the other drugs." JJ said. She got up from the seat and walked out with Nala. "He's definitely not apart of this. The drugs yes, but not the stalking of Emily and I." JJ said. 

"How can you be so sure he isn't lying?" the Sergeant asked. 

"Trust me. I would know if he was." JJ said. She walked out and over to her desk. She filled out some paperwork before she got another call. This time it was to a car that an officer had pulled over. It wasn't a very exciting call for JJ as it was a very basic call. Nala found the drugs within 30 seconds. Back at the station, JJ kept filling out paperwork until she received another call. This time it was for someone who had fled from the police, and they couldn't find them. This was a call that JJ felt excited for because it was something different than the usual drug calls. It took about 15 minutes to find the person. They even had to set up a perimeter so the person couldn't get past a certain point. But Nala was able to find the guy along with another K9. After JJ got back to the station, she grabbed a cup of coffee and went back to her desk. Almost immediately after she sat down, she got a call from Garcia. 

"Are you sure you want to know what I just found?" Garcia asked. 

"Yes. Of course I do. I need to know who's behind all of this." JJ said. 

"Listen, before I tell you, I need you to go somewhere private so no one can hear this call." Garcia said. JJ found an unused office, so she went in with Nala and closed the door. 

"Okay. Now can you please tell me who is behind this?" JJ asked. 

"Listen, just know that I am so sorry about this. I know it isn't easy." Garcia said. 

"Please stop stalling. Just tell me." JJ pushed. 

"Will owns the house. He moved there a short amount of time after you guys got there. It's Will from New Orleans. I'm so sorry babes." Garcia said. JJ just went completely silent. 


Hey guys! I know, it's been FOREVER since I've updated. I've been so so so busy with school and work and everything. This chapter kind of sucks, and I'm so sorry it does. So we know Will owns the house, but who do you think the mystery girl is? I hope you like this chapter!

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