Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Emethyst's POV

I sat and ate my lunch in sullen silence. My lunch consisted of a fruit salad and some of Mallow's Pinap juice from her restaurant. It was really yummy, and I was beginning to get full. I stopped eating for the moment, and looked over at my ghostly sweethearts.

Haunter and Froslass were eating with everyone else's Pokemon, and everyone looked happy. I then looked over at Haunter, and watched him happily eat his berries. Now that I actually took the moment to get a good look at him; He definitely hit a growth spurt. Wow.. I thought. He was almost as big as my dad.

"Jeez Emethyst, that Haunter of yours is going to be a monster Gengar." Kiawe said, as he looked over at Haunter.

Rotom Dex then went over and took a picture of Haunter eating. "Wow! Nurse Joy wasn't kidding!" He exclaimed. "Haunter is exactly five foot seven, and the largest Haunter I have on file is five foot three!" He exclaimed.

I felt the blood run to my cheeks. I was very flattered, and I felt I must have been doing something right. But, it was then that I realized something. I remembered my promise that I wouldn't make Haunter evolve unless he wanted to. As much as it was my dream to have a Gengar, I still cared about what Haunter wanted to do, and I couldn't let my own selfishness get in the way of that.

"It is exciting," I began. "But, I only want Haunter to evolve if he wants to." I said. I then looked down at my food, and picked at it a bit.

"What do you mean?" Kiawe asked.

I sighed, as I remembered my promise the day I caught Gastly. "Gastly was my very first Pokemon," I began. "When I caught him, I always vowed that I would never make him evolve for my own selfish reasons. It surprised me enough when he evolved into Haunter." I explained, as I remembered that night when he battled the other Haunter. My heart dropped when I saw him evolve.  

"That's so sweet!" Mallow exclaimed.

"Aww!" Lana exclaimed.

Kiawe then began to cry. "That was so beautiful!!" He exclaimed. "The love between you and Haunter burns hotter than Inferno Overdrive!!" I tried my hardest not to laugh at him, but wow.  He didn't strike me as the type to cry.

I smiled lightly. "I just want to make sure this is what Haunter wants as well, as exciting as it is." I said. "That's all that matters to me."

My dad, who was sitting next me; hugged me. "I'm so proud of you, Emethyst." He said. "Haunter is lucky to have someone like you who cares about him so much."

I hugged my dad back. "Thanks, Dad." I said.

"I know how you feel though," Ash chimed in. "I've had many chances to evolve Pikachu, but I always ask him what he wants first." Pikachu then jumped on Ash's shoulder. "Pika pika!" He said happily.

I finished the rest of my salad and Pinap juice. "Thank you so much everyone for the support. It means so much to me." I said, as I looked around at everyone. No one had showed this much support since my mom died. It felt genuine, and I was happy.

Haunter then finished his berries, and floated over to the group, including me. I looked over at him, and scratched the middle of his head. "Oh Haunter.." I said.

Lillie then walked over to us. "I would love to work on touching Haunter." She said, as she looked at him. I looked over at her, and had to double take what she said.

"Um, are you sure that's a good idea, Lillie?" I asked, as I stood up. Froslass was a start, but Haunter is a bit wild. That would definitely take time without a doubt.

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