54 // Do You Know Who We Are?

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"What do you think?" I ask with a smile. These were quite honestly the comfiest pajamas I've ever owned.

"Wait," he says, raising his index finger up. He takes ahold of my hand, raises it above my head, and twirls me in a full circle, observing my outfit as he did so. As I regain eye contact with him, he smirks. "Perfect."

I blush and look down, giggling at his compliment. Then suddenly, Harry wraps his arms securely around my hips and lifts me up, causing me to let out a high-pitched squeal. I squirm in his arms as he carries me over to the bed where he lets me fall down onto my back, my blonde hair flying every which way.

And just as I'd expected him to plop down on top of me, crushing me with his body, he doesn't. Instead, he places his hands on either side of my head, his body hovering over mine. His eyes take a glance at my lips, then flick back up to meet my stare. And before I know it, he lowers his head down, placing a delicate kiss onto my lips. As he pulls away, he smiles softly, still looking down at me.

Harry rolls off me, onto his side of the shared bed. After taking his spot, he pulls me as close to him as humanly possible, spooning me from behind. His large hand travels to my lower stomach—where I was experiencing cramps earlier today—lightly tracing over it with his fingers.

"Are you in any pain?" he murmurs in my ear, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

"Not right now," I tell him, but he doesn't stop any of his movements. I knew it was supposed to be a cute and comforting thing, but it was honestly turning me on more than anything.

"Do you have a movie in mind you'd like to watch?"

I thought it over for a moment and said the first thing that came to mind, even though I knew for a fact he wouldn't want to watch it.

"After," I joke, giggling to myself. I turn over so my head was now laying against his chest.

"Oh hell no," he says, dragging out his 'L's.

"Okay," I say, still laughing, "how about Cinderella?"

"Ooh, yes," he finally agrees.

And so we watch it together in peaceful silence. He combs my hair with his fingers as we watch the movie, my head resting on his chest. Gently, he lays his head on top of mine, my whole body enveloped in his.

"Lils," he says softly, my heart melting in my chest.

"Hmm?" I hum, feeling slightly drowsy.

"What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like what are we?" he says again. I sit up to look at him. "People ask if we're together and you say we're friends, but I just...I honestly feel like we're more than that."

The terrifying conversation was beginning; deciding where you stand in a relationship. Whether you're together or you're not.

"And I know you said you wanted to take everything slow and I don't want to freak you out or make you feel pressured or put you on the spot, but I'm honestly just curious," he says quickly, rambling slightly. "Because anytime we're asked if we're together, you're very quick to say we're just friends but I...i-is that all I am to you?"

I've tried not to think too much about it honestly. The idea of dating Harry freaked me out for some odd reason, even though my teenage self would've killed to be in this position and would probably punch me in the face right now.

"I don't...I don't know," I tell him truthfully.

"I just feel like we should...establish what we are to each other," he says shyly, looking down at his fidgeting hands, "just so there isn't any confusion."

My heart pounded in my chest, my stomach twisting in knots. I felt so nervous to talk about this.

"So how do you really feel about me?" Harry asks nervously, nibbling on his bottom lip. "And don't feel pressured to say anything specifically. I want your honest answer."

He looked so hopeful, it made me feel like it might tear him to shreds if I were to tell him that I saw him as only a friend. But he wanted my honest answer.

But was that my honest answer?

This trip, along with just spending the last little bit with him has shown me a lot about Harry and who he is. And...I honestly really liked what I was being shown. He was so kind to me, even when he didn't have to be; he treated me so well. And he was adventurous, which I loved. He wasn't afraid to bend the rules a little, and even if it could've gotten the two of us in trouble. It still gave us memories and I feel like that's what he lived for.

And to add onto everything else, he told me he'd do anything for me, which was a slight stretch but I definitely appreciated.

"You want my honest answer?" I ask. He nods, his lip still clenched between his teeth. I take a deep breath, slightly nervous to tell him my newly found truth. But, despite the butterflies in my stomach, I told him my newly discovered truth. "I like you, Harry. I really like you."

He lets out a breath of relief as a smile appears on his lips, his dimples showing up. Chuckling, he inhales deeply.

"Lili," he says, his face glowing as he smiles down at the comforter below us, "I have strong feelings for you. Like, as cliché as it sounds, I have never felt this way about anyone before."

I felt like crying again. No guy has ever treated me the way Harry does—in such a kind and caring manner.

"So if we both...like each other," I say slowly, dragging out my words, "does this mean we should be like...."

He looks up at me, a serious look now on his face.

"Together?" he finishes my sentence for me.

"Do you want to be?" I ask, nervous about his response, even though he just told me how he felt about me.

"Well, do you?" he turns the question around on me.

"I mean, if we both like each other, and to quote you, why not?"

"Wait, really?" His eyes widen.

"Yeah," I say, shrugging. "If we both have feelings for each other, then there's no reason we shouldn't be together."

"O-Okay," he breathes out, nodding. "So, that's it then? We're like together now? When someone asks "are you two together?" we can say...yes?"

"Pretty much," I say pursing my lips together.

"Okay," he nods again, "I'm cool with that."

I laugh and simply lay back down on Harry's chest once again to finish watching the movie.

Adore You [H.S]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora