🔴The end!⚪️

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~Dekus POV~

About a week after the incident I was dismissed from the hospital. My uncle is going to jail for a few years for child abuse and neglecting a minor. I didn't have a guardian and so the school took custody of me. I stay at the dorms on the weekends and holidays. It wasn't lonely though, other people stayed over the weekend sometimes to, usually Sho.

I was walking to school for the first time since the incident when Sho stopped. "Izu?" He asked. "Yah Sho?" I replied turning to him. He took a deep breath and took my hands. I could feel my face turning ruby red. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I felt my face warm up even more, even Kirishimas hair couldn't compete. "Are you kidding! Yes! Yes of corse!" I planted my lips onto his and enjoyed the softness of his lips. We released and I wanted to kiss him more. "Oh! We're going to be late!" Said Sho looking at his watch. He grabbed my hand and we ran to class.

"SURPRISE!!" yelled the class when I walked though the door. A big welcome back banner was strung across the room. Everybody was wearing party hats, even Aizawa had one on, but I think he was sleeping. I blushed as I looked around the room. "Welcome back from the hospital Deku!" Said Mina giving me a big hug. "Wow guys!" I said still blushing from embarrassment. "You didn't need to do all of this!"

We had a huge party with music and food. Kachan mostly ate, not talking to me at all, though I noticed him glancing at me. I really enjoyed the party, Sho and I told the class we were dating.

Momo surprisingly seemed slightly upset and Ururaka was really hyped about it saying "I KNEW IT!! I SHIP YOU GUYS SO MUUUCCCHHH!" Yah. That was a bit chaotic. I heard Aizawa mumbling "Why did I agree to this?" He sighed and stood up "Everybody shut up." We all obeyed and we began class. Thanks to Iidas notes I wasn't behind and understood the lessons.

After class we all hung out in the dorms. I was sitting on a couch talking with Shoto. He was so warm and his eyes were so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare into them while he stared back.

~Todorokis POV~

"Hey we never finished that game of would you rather" I said to Izu while we snuggled on the couch. "Hm? Oh I guess not haha" I said. "OMG YOU GUYS!" Yelled Mina from next to us. "We should totally play would you rather!" Uh oh. This class was never good with group games.

Everyone mumbled in agreement and everyone that was there sat around in a circle. "Who's going first?" Asked Mina cheerfully. No one answered so Mina agreed to go first. "Ok! Ummm..." we had a lot of fun playing would you rather.

~3rd person~

Life went on after that. Though Dekus past still haunted him he was able to recover. He was ever so grateful for Todoroki and how he saved him that way. Deku became the number 1 hero and Shoto fluctuated a lot. Both were happily married and adopted 2 beautiful children.

"And that's how I met my husband" Said Shoto to the new class of 1A. "Sho! These kids are teenagers!" Said Izuku from the doorway. Sho turned around surprised. "What are you doing here!" He asked, startled. "You left your lunch at home" replied The number 1 hero. All the kids stared at the hero in awe. "Oh ok thank you love" Said Shoto pecking his husband on the cheek.

Tbh I didn't really like how it ended. I might rewrite it sometime but for now I'd like to get out some other ideas for fanfics. Thx for reading and I apologize for the bad ending :(
Love y'all!
Word count-:652

Oh my god 3k views for this? This is really bad guys get better standards what is this doing so good?

Emotionless (Tododeku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang