💚Deku x Hospital bed💚

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~Dekus POV~

I woke up to feel all sorts of tubes in my arms. I could her a heart monitor beeping and someone was holding my hand. I fluttered my eyes open to realize I was in the hospital. Look at all the trouble your causing! More of these thoughts flooded though my mind.

I looked around a bit more. Todoroki has a chair pulled up and was asleep while holding on to my hand. Instantly, some of the thoughts went away. I began to cry. I was so happy I wasn't dead. I was so scared on the roof, but what else was I supposed to do?

Todoroki awoke to the sound of my tears. "Hey, hey your ok, your fine now, I'm here." I cried for a bit hugging him as he stroked my hair. "I see your awake" Said an excited voice behind me. I turned my head to see a doctor at the door of my room, holding a clipboard. "We need to ask you some questions and then we'll leave you alone ok?" I nodded as a nurse came in to assist the doctor.

"Do you self harm?" Surprised by the question I put my head down, then nodded. "Ok and are you getting help?" I crocked our a "no" and she scribbled something down on her clipboard. "Alright, does anyone abuse you?" I paused. I didn't want to cause any more trouble than I have, and if I told them about my uncle he would definitely get in trouble.

I felt todoroki squeeze my hand and I looked up to him. He looked into my eyes and nodded. "Y-yes" I whispered, my head down. I felt a tear fall down my face. Shoto proceeded to wipe it with his free hand. "Are they here now?" Asked the doctor eyeing up Todoroki. I was stunned by the fact that anyone would believe that someone as gentle as him would hurt me. I shook my head. "Ok we'll leave you alone now, we'll need to ask more questions later." She smiles and she and the nurse and her walked out of the room.

"W-w-what exactly I-is going o-on" I stuttered. "After you tried to...j-jump, you passed out and the ambulance came and got you, you've been asleep for 2 days." Said Shoto with a soft smile on his face. "What! T-two whole days!" I shouted. I couldn't believe it. I missed out on so much schoolwork! "Aizawa dismissed both of us from school" he said in reply to my worry.

"Do you need anything? Water food? Anything?" Asked Todoroki still clutching my hand. I shook my head. How could I possibly eat! Now of all times. They must've been feeding me though the tubes! I must've gained so much weight! I realized I was still shaking my head and quickly stopped. Just then my stomach rumbled.

Todoroki smiled "I'll go get you some food" he squeezed my hand and released it. The thought of him leaving made my stomach turn. "W-wait!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him back down. "P-please don't l-leave me!" I said. I began to tear up and Shoto bent down and gave me a kiss on the lips. "I'll never leave you" he whispered, then walked of to get food.

~Todorokis POV~

I stayed at the hospital for the whole two days he was asleep. He started to regain color and he looked much more rested. Still, I hated to see him in a hospital bed, (Deku x hospital bed forever!) connected to all those tubes.

I regret leaving him in his apartment. I should have stayed there. The hospital gowns had short sleeves so you could see his arms. There were too many cuts to count, not to mention he had even more on his legs.

I kept reading the note over and over again. I will not hesitate to kill Bakugo next time I see him. I was happy he liked me back, though through all of this I'm still unsure about our relationship.

~time skip to next day~

The doctors say Midorya is getting better, but that they still want to keep him for a week. He is looking much better. They took away the feeding tubes today now that he's agreed to eat. His skin is looking much healthier and his scars are starting to heal, though I imagine, like mine, some will stay forever.

~Dekus POV~

You're so gross! What's wrong with you! Your causing everyone so much trouble! You should have jumped sooner! You deserve to die! You deserve pain! You can't do ANYTHING right! "SHUT UP!!!" I yelled, jolting up from the hospital bed. It was dark and no one was there. I cried for a bit and then Shoto came back from the bathroom.

"Izu! Did you have a nightmare?!" Said Sho sitting down next to me. I cried in response and he climbed into bed next to me. He held me close and before I knew it I was asleep again.

I hated myself. I hated myself so so much. I didn't tell him. But I also loved him, and I had promised to not hurt myself or do anything bad. I promised and this time I swore I wouldn't break it. The hospital got me therapy and it seemed to help a lot. I felt so good around Shoto. I never wanted to be away from him.

Well that was fun don't ya think! I'll be posting little shorts of hospital visits!
Also! Someone other than my friends that I forced to read this read this! Yaaay!!

Word count: 955

Love you guys so much! (:

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