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~Dekus POV~

"Midorya could you meet me outside?" It was Azawia. I stood up and followed him out of the classroom. "Look kid" he paused "I don't want to be the one to tell you this but..." the hall went dark. My mother apered out of thin air and put her hand on my shoulder. "You should have been there!" "Why are you so useless!" "You can NEVER be a real hero!" I awoke with a scream.

  "Midorya! What's wrong are you ok!" Said todoroki sitting up on the futon next to me. "I-I I n-Need to use the bathroom!" I ran out of my room and closed the door behind me. I fell down to the toilet and began to puke.

~Todorokis POV~

Midorya ran out of the room. I turned on his lamp.I had to help him but I had no idea what was going on. Then I looked at his bed. It was covered in blood. "SHIT!" I yelled a bit loud. "Midorya what's wrong!" I ran to the bathroom but the door was locked. "Midorya are you alright!" I was really scared he was doing something bad. I banged on the door trying to open it.

~Dekus POV~

I could hear Shoto outside the bathroom door. Look at him your burdening him! He hates you! Your only causing trouble! He's suffering because of you! I grabbed a spare box cutter and began. I was cutting so deep now and I was in so much pain. But it felt good. I could hear Todoroki Trying to open the door. Inzio was probably getting drunk at a bar somewhere. I noticed red on the corner of my eyes and realized my other leg I had cut from earlier was bleeding though my pant leg. There must be blood on my sheets. That's probably why Shoto is so concerned.

I continued to cut until my other leg was completely covered in blood. Shoto was silent now but still trying to open the door. The voices were gone now so Looked around for the bandages. I looked in the mirror. I was paler than usual, probably because of my loss of blood. All of a sudden the door flew open. Todoroki broke the lock and opened the door.

~Todorokis POV~

"Midorya! Midorya why won't you open the door!" I was really worried about him. I finally broke open the door and saw the most horrible sight. My usually happy, or so I thought, crush was sitting on the floor with his pant leg up and his leg covered in blood. In one hand he held a box cutter and the other was holding on the edge of the toilet for support. There was vomit on the floor and he was in tears. He looked up at me and fell to the ground.

Don't you just love cliffhangers!! I'll post tomorrow or tonight!

Thank you for reading!
Word count: 471

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