Chapter 31

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I tapped my pencil on the desk as I watched the others walking across the courtyard to the living quarters. It was the last day of my incarceration for bad behaviour, and I was relieved. My eyes darted over each figure in an attempt to pick out the one I loved the most.

It took fifteen minutes before I finally saw him making his way with his friends. They were not running like some of the younger years, to avoid the chill in the air. They sauntered and joked about instead. One of them being pushed into a snow bank by Vincent as he laughed.

I wished I was out there with them. I yawned and let my mind wander to the work I would have to finish tonight before heading back to classes tomorrow. Then I hoped my boyfriend would come to visit me before going down to dinner.

I looked at the dishes sitting on my desk from lunch and got up to change out of my pajamas so I could go down and grab my dinner meal. I was moping a little when I finally heard the knock on my door, mostly because I was tired of eating and lazing in my room.

"Hey Alex, why the long face? This is your last day, you know. You should be happier." Alec pushed past me into the room and I grunted.

"I would be if you were someone else." I griped, pushing his face back so he fell onto my bed with his hands full of my homework papers.

"Ruuude. Here, take these." He thrust out his hand full of sheets at me and didn't move from his sprawled position. I took the crumpled sheets with a frown, kicking his leg hanging off the side a bit.

"What did you do to these? It looks like you sat on them." I complained as I placed them on the desk and tried to smooth them.

"Oh, funny story... I actually did sit on them." He grinned when I looked over at him with a raised brow.

"You know what? Never mind. I don't want to know." I raised a hand and sighed. Another knock sounded at the door and I went over to answer it. This time I smiled and wrapped my arms around the person on the other side. "Hey babe."

"Hey you." He gave me a smile and a peck on the lips. I melted into it a little until I heard an obnoxious whistle from the bed.

"How come I don't get a nice greeting like that?" Alec whined like a three year old. "You never greet me so nice."

"Shut up you." Vincent growled at him. I rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"Honestly Alec? He brings hotness and you bring... homework." I laid it out for him and laughed at his disgusted expression.

"Right. My bad." He said before turning back and getting comfortable with his arms behind his head. Vincent went over, grabbed him, threw him over a shoulder, and then chucked him out in the hall. "Hey!"

"Piss off. Your virgin eyes don't need to see this." He slammed the door on him and locked the door. I was leaned against the wall laughing at the two of them.

"You could be a bit nicer to him." I finally said as he closed in on me. He smirked and pretended to think about it.

"Nah. I'd rather be nice to you." He kissed me sweetly and I hummed. As much as I really wanted to continue this, I knew from the last couple of days that I needed to get the papers done first... or they wouldn't get done.

"Let me finish up, and we can continue this." I murmured against his lips after pulling back. He frowned, but backed off and flopped on my bed.

"Alright. I will get rid of the Alec germs for you." He joked, then rubbed his butt all over the area where Alec had been laying. I laughed at him, but went to my desk and looked over the homework.

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