Chapter 28

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"I swear to God if I get another surprise test this week I am going to jump off the roof." Ferret flopped on the floor next to the couches and groaned.

"No you won't. Then you won't get the pizza lunch they promised us for Friday." Mike joked from the couch opposite. He was sitting next to Nate. We had all kind of just melded into one big group after about a month of the new term starting.

Micah sat next to Reggie on the couch opposite Vince and I. Alec had decided there was enough room on this couch to sit next to me. He was bouncing and it was starting to piss me off.

"Alec. If you don't stop it in the next two seconds, I'm going to throw you off the roof." I growled as I tried to read my Literature book. It was waving about with all his wiggling.

"Aww Alex. You know you love me." He stopped bouncing to lean against my arm. Then he gasped. I felt his hands wrap around my bicep and he squeezed it. "Ohmigod. What the hell Alex? When'd you get so buff?"

"Get off." Vincent growled at him and pulled his hands off me. He shoved the kid back and held me against his chest protectively while I kept reading the chapter we had for homework.

"I've been working out with Vince... and I don't love you. I love him." I mumbled absently as I felt someone nuzzling into my neck in an attempt to distract me.

"Hah." Vince said in my ear. I heard Alec whining but I was so close to finishing that I chose to tune it out.

"Eh, don't sit there." Reggie said with a firm tone. Jack hovered over the couch a second and then stood back up.

"What? Why not?" He asked with a frown. Reggie pulled Micah over and then pointed to the end of the couch.

"You can sit at the end. I want to sit by Micah." He replied with a faint blush. Micah looked up at him with surprise and then sat back with a huge grin.

"What the hell. You two dating now too?" Jack grumbled as he plopped in the empty space.

"As a matter of fact we are." Reggie said nonchalantly. The group stopped talking for about two seconds before going back to what they were doing. I guess it was not such a shock since Vince and I were all over each other already. They were tame in comparison.

"Cool. Recent?" Roger asked Micah. He shrugged and smiled, not really answering the question. Ferret grabbed Roger's attention anyways, talking about their third class together instead. I saw Micah breathe a sigh of relief.

He was still far more nervous than I was about his relationship being out in the open. It wasn't like anyone had done or said anything to Vince or I in the school. Everyone was pretty cool about it, or were just keeping their chill like respectful human beings. It was nice.

"Are you done yet?" A voice growled in my ear. I smiled and nodded, closing my book.

"Yep. All done. What do you need?" I turned a little to see the smirk on his face and suddenly felt like I had given the wrong answer.

"Kiss me." He whispered against my face. I rolled my eyes.

"No. Not in the common room." I refused and turned away a bit so he couldn't coerce me into doing it anyways.

"Why not?" He asked right into my ear. I sighed and glanced around. The others weren't watching us, but that didn't mean that no one was looking.

"I don't want to be one of those couples." I told him. I felt him chuckle.

"Aww. It'd be fun though." He was incorrigible. He really didn't care who saw us kissing, hugging, or even just talking way too close. I was sure the whole school was very aware of our relationship now. If not, then they were blind.

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