Chapter 29

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It was just after my classes, and I stopped briefly in my room to change into my workout uniform. I tied my running shoes, and on my way down the hall I knocked on Vincent's door. There was no answer after a minute, so I wandered over to the fitness facilities by myself.

I didn't worry about it too much. He would meet me here when he was done with his own classes. I stretched a little and started with the things I could do by myself. Legs were pretty easy, and I felt comfortable stepping up my game a bit again.

I was sweating pretty good when I got to the arms. It was a little worrisome that Vince hadn't shown up at the facilities yet though, and I glanced around to see who all was there. I recognised a couple of seniors from my floor on the other side of the room.

They weren't paying attention to me though. A couple of sophomores were hanging out around the smith machine. I didn't recognise any of them personally. I only knew a handful of guys from outside the juniors and seniors.

"Hey, Alex is it?" I glanced over at the guy who stood there looking at me with a smile and assessed him. He was a taller guy, but not quite as filled out as a junior.

"Yeah, who's asking?" I said rather out of breath from my workout. I wasn't unfriendly about it though, and his smile didn't falter.

"Tyler. Do you need some help?" He motioned to the racks of weights. "I could spot you." I hesitated for a second and took a full minute to finish my set and have a look at him. He wasn't heavily built, but not scrawny either.

"I dunno. I don't really need to do the chest press with a full bar. Thanks for offering though." I dismissed his offer. I was a little baffled at why he would approach me in the first place though.

"Hey now. It's no bother for Number 2. I would be really honoured to give you a hand... and my buddies totally said you'd blow me off, so I kinda wanted to prove them wrong." He said in reply, his grin never faltering and his hands expressing himself.

I picked up my water bottle and tossed some back. I placed my weights carefully down on the racks for them. He was still hovering around me, and I sighed to myself. I wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it was uncomfortable having their attention in here.

"Look kid, it's not that I don't think you can't do it. I don't feel comfortable working out with someone I don't know." I explained, toweling my shoulders off and drinking more water. His face fell and he nodded a bit.

"Hey no. It's cool. I just told them you weren't all stuck up or anything, and I totally get it. It would just be a shame if I didn't get to see you in action." He was getting to me slightly.

That part of me who thought it was a bad idea was losing out to the part that was a nice guy and people pleaser. He turned away and the group was jeering a little at him, but I called out his name reluctantly.

"Tyler was it?" I dropped my head and thought it through. Maybe I would do half weight in case.

"Yeah?" He said hopefully. I motioned to the bench and grabbed one of the weights. I started setting up the correct amount on the bar and fixed it carefully into place. The other side was done by him, and I watched closely.

"All right, you know the drill. Pay attention, watch for tilt or strain. Keep me centered and well positioned if I deviate." I repeated all the instructions Vincent usually told me. He nodded and took position.

I laid back on the bench, prepared myself and my hands carefully, and tested the balance of the bar and weights. Once it was set up, I lifted the weight carefully from the rests and did the first set.

I caught him looking away to his friends only once, but it was enough to worry me. I placed the bar back and waited a few seconds for him to refocus. He saw me watching him with narrowed eyes and smiled nicely.

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