"You're honestly hella rude. I don't know why we're friends" Gia smacked her lips rolling her eyes at me.

"That's exactly why we're friends. I say all the things you won't, cause you're too nice to or whatever"

She threw her head back laughing, "OMG! Like when we were at Momiji and you dragged that old guy for trying to hit on me."

Mojimi is a sushi place we like to go to, and while we were there one time this old ass man kept hitting on Gia. He was old, like old enough to be my grandpa, old. Because Gia is too nice to hurt the feelings of other's this old man was under the impression that she was interested in him. Tragic! I know. In more or less words, I told him that Gia does not have a senior citizen's fetish and he should move along. I mean I also vaguely remember mentioning something about how he had a lot of nerve to come over offering her wrinkly dick. The details are fuzzy.

I gasped dramatically, "Liesssss. I did not drag him, it wasn't even all that"

"That man left red in the face" She pursed her lips into a straight line, "He got dragged like you were auditioning for the new season of Rupaul!"

That was so cringy. "Eww!" I scrunched my nose up before bursting into a fit of laughter, "Girl what the hell is that? 'Auditioning for Rupaul' I'm so tired of you. Stick to what you know, cause that is not it."

"Whatever, haters gonna hate" Gia brushed me off, causing me to shake my head. "Anyways, I'm gonna head out, I have a date tonight with Caleb"

"Alright, tell Barack I said hi!"

"Girl, he hates that shit."

"I know" I laughed, "So make sure you say it exactly like that." Barack is what my nickname for Gia's boyfriend Caleb. Which is an obvious reference to Forever President Barack Obama.

Caleb is Barack because he's currently a law-school student, dating his high school sweetheart and has dreams of running for office. Straight Barack and Michelle shit. Even though the nickname is the highest honor a person could bestow upon him- he hates it. I don't get why, frankly he should be grateful that I think so highly of him.

"You're crazy" Gia laughed, "I'll see you later."

"Byeeee, pooh!" I called out behind her as she walked out the door.

I glanced at the clock, it's almost six. I guess I should also start getting ready for my 'date' as well. At least Beckham is sexy as fuck, that's the only silver lining I see in this predicament. I could have to fuck an ugly nigga. So I'll count my blessings.

I got up off the couch, putting the rest of my food in the refrigerator to save for later then I vacuumed any crumbs that might've fallen on the floor in the family room. I'm a bit of a neat freak, I just can't stand when things are dirty. I finished vacuuming then reorganized the throw pillows on my couch, before hopping in the shower.

I wrapped the towel around myself, I walked over to the closet trying to decide what to wear. Suddenly, I've developed a deep hatred for every single piece of clothing I own. What am I even doing? We're just meeting at a pizza place, I should just keep it simple. I grabbed a lacy bodysuit and black mini skirt. This should do. I decided getting dressed. I did my makeup and fixed my hair before grabbing my hoe bag, and heading out the door. Since it was now 7:30.

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