If he thinks I'm gonna run out of here with tears in my eye then he's absolutely wrong. I'm not the same girl I was before.

So with much difficulty I picked up all my things and picked a new spot to sit.

I could tell that no one was expecting that because they seemed to have just stared at me as if I was crazy. I myself don't even know what I'm doing I just want to prove that I'm not some weak girl they can just push around for their own entertainment.

"Well Mr.Bonner feel free to start your lesson."

The bell rang to signal the end of the third period

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The bell rang to signal the end of the third period. After the incident with Axel during second period Mr.Bonner tried to teach us about the wondrous subject of English literature.

No one paid him any mind as everyone just continued to stare at me with many indecipherable expressions. One stare in particular felt as though they were digging a hole inside my brain trying to get me to look behind me and I knew exactly whose glare that was.

After that class I instantly left giving no one a chance to stop and talk with me.

Third period, advanced mathematics was pretty uneventful well at least compared to the other ones. As the math teacher just gave us a booklet to work on to see where our skills were at. He told us to just get as much of it done as possible.

Maybe I should've taken my time since it seemed to have gathered everyone's attention when I stood up and handed it in completely finished with no wrong answers and still had 40 minutes to spare.

The teacher, Mr.Carlyle seemed to not believe it as he scanned the pages a total of 5 times. He told me to go have a seat after staring at the papers for quite some time and I used the time I had to try to piece together my sketchbook.

It was not the first time that this thing has needed fixing but this was the worst condition it's ever been in.

Finally after a lot of binding tape and some paper cuts later it looked well................it looked alright.

The class ended with no one else being able to finish the whole booklet and everyone left including me. I had no idea where I was gonna eat lunch and there's no way I'm going to the cafeteria.

After some time of walking around the second floor I found no where to stay and eat. I was about to give up and just find a spot in the cafeteria but I found a staircase that lead to the rooftop and figured that I've hit the jackpot.

The way up the stairs was really dark and the steps were also very steep but I trudged on until I reached top.

Wow, this place is amazing, why is it so hidden? I looked up as the California sun shone brightly around the whole city

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Wow, this place is amazing, why is it so hidden? I looked up as the California sun shone brightly around the whole city. I take my spot under the shade and just enjoy the fresh air, well as fresh as it gets here in Cali.

Fifth period was a spare for me so I get an extra long lunch hour which is great since I can spend more time at the rooftop and everyone's still in class when I get out of the rooftop so no one catches me which is a bonus.

I took a deep sigh as I looked back at how eventful this day has been and it's just lunch. I miss my old school where no one bothered me and I didn't bother anyone but so much has happened in such a short amount of time and it's just too much for me.

It was my fault for letting my guard down around Axel even if it was just a little. He's just like everyone else, what did I expect.

I was very close to dozing off when suddenly a loud knock came from the door. I instantly went to hide behind a shed afraid of being caught.

"Freya! Freya! Are you here?"


What is he doing here?

"Goddammit Tyler!" He yelled in frustration.

After a couple seconds the sound of the door slamming was the only thing you could hear along with my heavy breathing.

This is for the better, I've done well alone before and I'll do well alone again.

This is for the better, I've done well alone before and I'll do well alone again

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