Ch. 28 Paying dues

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I knocked on the door then looked around. I saw a few guys standing across the street and it honestly made me a little scared. I kept my eyes on everyone around me, in fear that they would do something.

Gosh, I need to chill.

After waiting a few moments, I knocked again then heard a voice. "Come in!" I opened the door then stepped inside. It was a small office. Only a desk, a computer and a chair.

The man behind the desk looks at me as I approach him then stop. "Hey. I'm here to pay Tory Morgan's rent."

He looked me up and down for a moment before typing on his computer. His image was a little sketchy. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they look cause it's all over their expression and sometimes body language.

This man looked as if he was in his forties. He was a pretty big dude. He wasn't fat but he was muscular which pretty much gave off a bad vibe from him the moment I walked in here.

"Are you only paying her rent?" I gave him a confused look. He rolls his eyes before typing again. "She's overdue on her bills too."

I nod as I understood now. "I'm paying all of it. Whatever she owes, I'll pay it."

His eyes travel down my body and it made me uncomfortable. "You must not be from here, huh?"


He printed something out then wrote something on the paper. His eyes looks up at me. "Judging by that watch on your wrist, I guess you're an upper class huh?"

"Does that even matter?"

Watching him chuckle, I felt a weird feeling going down my spine. "Just never saw an upper class help out a lower class." He slides the paper to me. "Sign here, confirming you paid then I'm going to need to the amount owed."

"Which is?" I asked then grabbed the paper and read it real quick as he was on his computer. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary as my eyes scanned it. It was only one page.

I laid it back on the desk then signed it.

"Forty two hundred." He looks at me. "Even."

"That's for everything she owes?"

He nods then looks at the computer. "Rent is twenty five hundred. Water bill is seven. Electricity is a thousand."

I stood there in complete shock. That was way too outrageous for a one bedroom, one bath apartment.

This dude was ripping Tory off.

But instead of saying anything, I grabbed my card from my pocket and handed it to him. He grabbed it then typed on his card scanner.

"There will be a five dollar charge for using a card." He looks up at me. "Is that ok?"

Nodding, I watched as he slid the card through. After grabbing the card back and placing it in my pocket, I knew he was ripping everyone off. He was getting a shit load of money from these people and it was ridiculous.

"Was she behind on the water and electrictity bills too?" I ask as he handed me a receipt.

"She's always behind on everything. I'm getting tired of her excuses every damn month."

Crossing my arms, I look at him. "How much is it to rent here a month?"

He leans back in his chair and looks at me. "It's two fifty a month. Then the water and electricity bills are separate and that depends on how much they use. It adds up when nobody fucking pays on time."

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