Ch. 20 Taking a risk

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These updates might be slower for now on. My mom just went into surgery this morning and everything's a little hectic right now. I'll try to update as soon as I can! 

Spring Break was a lot of fun. We went down to the beach, which is like any other Spring Break getaway but we rented a big beach house and stayed there the whole week. It was so much fun and I didn't want to come back.

Mom almost got stung by a jellyfish which was hilarious. Dad was videoing the whole thing while laughing at her. She was a little tipsy and we all decided to go hang out at the beach one evening when the sun was setting.

She was holding her wine glass and saw a jellyfish on the sand. She thought it was dead so she grabbed a stick and poked it. Turns out it wasn't dead and it almost landed on her and she screamed while spilling her wine everywhere.

Dad was laughing so hard and Chase was too. I stood off to the side trying not to laugh but it was hard to when mom was screaming like a teenage girl. Mom was pissed that we were all laughing at her and dad was videoing it.

We watched that video a dozen times throughout the night, laughing our asses off.

It was so much fun and I enjoyed it. It really got my mind off of things for a while until we were riding back to town that Sunday night.

Wishing I could stay longer to forget everything.

I honestly feel confused about what Miss Morgan keeps talking to me about. She's saying the same things over again as if we didn't just have that conversation a few days prior.

I know she's going through a lot because she's a teacher and everything but every time she pulls me to the side and tells me the same thing, it hurts a little.

Liking her was not my decision and if I could, I wouldn't like her back. There's nothing I can do about it except ignore it and move on.

Why is it so hard for her to do that?

When the morning came for us to go back to school, I wasn't too thrilled about it. I wanted Spring Break to last longer than a week cause all my problems, as far as Miss Morgan and everything that revolves around her, seemed to fade away.

Going back to school was going to be hard because seeing Miss Morgan is not going to help the fact that I still like her.

"How was your Spring Break?" I ask Ayden as we were standing at the lockers that morning.

He smiles as he leans on a locker. "Pretty good. All I did was eat junk food and gain about five pounds from doing nothing." I chuckle as I watch him. "Oh and my cousins came over."

"How was that?"

I knew that Ayden didn't really like his cousins because they were all young. A lot of hyper ADHD kids running around wasn't something an eighteen looks forward to on his break from school.

"A nightmare." He sighs. "At least it's over. Although I wouldn't mind having a longer break without them."

Telling him what I did, he pouted and said that I could of took him with me. I did have the option of bringing a friend but I just decided to let Ayden spend time with his family.

"One more month. It's April and we'll be graduating next month." He sighs. "Freedom."

The excitement was too real at this point.

Just one more month.

After classes, Ayden and I met at the locker before fourth. He told me to tell Miss Morgan that he says hi but of course I'm not going to do that.

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