Ch. 7 Two in the same

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"Just a little scratch? Carter, there are two- two foot scratches running down the hood of the car!"

When I told my dad about the scratches on the hood, he wasn't too happy when he saw them. I explained to him that it was a little scratch but of course that wasn't the truth.

I was sitting in the kitchen, along with my dad and mom who were interrogating me about what exactly happened- more of dad instead of mom. I wasn't going to tell them the real reason, so coming up with a believable lie was crucial.

"Someone ran into it in the parking lot."

My mom gave me a look before looking over at my dad, who wasn't buying my lies.

"Carter, just tell me the truth."

Sighing, I opened my mouth but Chase came in then slammed the door. We all looked over at him as he walked out of the kitchen. Mom started yelling after him but he ignored her as I heard him run upstairs.

"We're not done with this." My dad said. "Now I need to figure out who's going to fix the scratches." He crossed his arms as he looked at me. "I don't want you driving the car right now. I'm going to get someone to come get it." He held his hands out. "Keys."

Handing him the keys, he grabbed them then placed them into his pocket. "You can drive something else until then." Leaning over, he kisses my temple. "I just want you to tell the truth, Carter. Right now you're not doing that."

He left the kitchen and walked outside to the garage. My mom gave me a sympathetic look then squeezed my shoulders. "Whatever you're not telling us isn't going to make us angry, Carter."

I sighed once she left the kitchen. Lying to my parents never get any easier and I don't exactly lie to them on a daily basis.

Walking upstairs, I was about to go into my bedroom when I heard a noise coming from Chase's room. I walked down the hall before stopping at his door and listening for a moment. When I heard noises as if something was getting thrown around, I opened the door and stepped inside.

Chase was laying on his bed with his legs hanging off the end of it. I saw a few books on the floor then he sat up when the door shut behind me.

"What's going on?"

He sighs then unbuttoned his cuffs on his sleeves. "Everyone made fun of me today including Patricia."

That made my heart hurt.

I walked over to him then sat on the bed next to him. I rubbed his back as he as sighed with his head low. "I was humiliated."

"What did they make fun of you for?"

"For the way I was dressed and because I was rich." He shook his head. "They called me a spoiled rich kid and other names. The whole class was laughing including Patricia."

I felt that.

"Look," I rubbed his back. "Ignore them. They're a bunch a idiots for laughing at you."

He looks up at me. "Why do we have to be rich? I mean, I don't mind it but why does everyone else hate us for being rich?"

I couldn't answer that question. Chase doesn't know about Regina or anything that I deal with in school. I'm not sure if telling him would be best in this situation right now.

"Go talk to the principal if they keep messing with you."

He shook his head before standing. "What if mom and dad find out? You know what happened last time you were bullied in the last school. We had to move and we haven't been there but for a month."

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