The First Sign of Reality

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Hiccup and Astrid were walking down the road, heading to the nearby bus stop to head home. The sky was slowly turning from the light blue colour when they first arrived, to a light orange, with the clouds covering the sky. While Astrid, as always, was walking in front of Hiccup, he was only a couple of steps behind her, close enough to engage in conversations. It seemed so foreign to him, but wit Astrid, he didn't mind.

"So, did the horse remind you of a... brown dragon in the book series?" Astrid asked curiously.

"Actually, yeah. There is a brown dragon. It's called a Gronkle. Think of them as a giant bumblebee, with hummingbird wings." Hiccup explained.

"I see. So... the wings flap really quickly?"

"Yes, exactly!" He replied with excitement, which made her laugh. It was rare for him to sound so enthusiastic about anything. There were only a few things that did and talking about his favourite book series was one of them. And the fact he could share this interest with someone who wouldn't judge him for it made him feel happy inside.

"OK, then. Does... any of the main character have a Gronkle?"

"Yeah. His name is Felix and his dragon is named Meatlug." After 5 minutes of walking and talking, they made it to the bus stop. Hiccup took out his phone and checked to see when the next bus would come.

"The next one should be on its way." He said before putting his phone away.

"Ah, that's a shame."

Hiccup raised his eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"I don't know. I was just getting used to the..." Suddenly, three loud, mucus-like coughs escaped Astrid's mouth. She covered her mouth as she coughed, but it didn't muffle the erupting sound it made. Hiccup looked at her worryingly, not sure what to do. Eventually though, she managed to compose herself, breathing heavily for a bit.

"Sorry about that." She apologised, before she began to rummage through her bag.

"A-Are you OK?" Hiccup asked worryingly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad I didn't cough and throw up during the session." She chuckled a bit as she pulled out her water bottle and drank a good chuck of it before putting it away. The two stayed silent for a while as the bus arrived. As they entered, they sat in the same row of seat, sitting next to each other. Hiccup, sitting next to the window, looked out of it, watching the scenery go by.

As he did, he thought about what Astrid had just said before they got on the bus.

I'm just glad I didn't cough and throw up during the session.

Then, he thought about the question he asked her before Eret came by.

You know... you could have gone to this place at any time, right?

Then... why now? And why with me?

And at that moment, it all made sense to him.

"Aren't you not going to read your book?" Hiccup jumped a bit since he was so deep in his thoughts. He then turned to face Astrid after hearing her.

"No. I, uh... I finished the book." He answered.

"Ah. I see."



"Is... Is that why you won't go with your friends to complete your bucket list?"


"Are you afraid that they'll found out your secret?"

The two were staring at each other, with Astrid's eyes wide with surprised. Then, a smile creeped up her face.

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