"I will bring your son. Here. Tomorrow and that's the only favor I'm ever going to do for you. You won't ask for anything else"

"I promise you Nathaniel, next time you will have Rosy"

I shot and grazed his leg on purpose. I knew it wasn't much damage but it was enough to make him groan in pain and fall to his knees.

"Oops, my finger slipped" I said. "Don't ever call her that again" Was the last thing I said before I left.


"No!" Ares yelled.


"There is no way!" He yelled again, "You went there when I told you it wasn't safe and now you want to give Cole to him? No!"

"Ares, you don't understand I won't let them get away but I need to play their game"

"No. I'm not going to repeat myself. You're not going"

"You're not my dad!"

"Nate you're basically my brother. I don't want anything to happen to you"

"I don't care if I get hurt, I only want her to be safe" I whispered, "Please"

"No and that's final" He said before walking off.

I was angry, furious. I statted hitting whatever was in front of me. I hadn't done this in a while but I needed to let it all out now.

"Hey hey" I heard someone urgently saying. He touched my shoulders and I flinched.


"Nate, stop acting like a kid" He said. It was Leo. As if I am the one who acts like a kid all the time.

"Shut up"

"Stop worrying so much!"

"Oh yeah? Let's see your reaction when they take Tessa away from you and you have no other choice"

"There is always a choice"

"No. You know what? Fine, don't help me. I fucked this up, I'm going to fix it"

"Nate no-"

"I'm sorry" I said before punching him hard on the face.

He fell to the floor unconscious and I poked his side lightly.

Yep. Definitely unconscious.

I left the room locking him in there and walked towards the cells. I had to trick all the guards into thinking someone was in the house, but I thankfully managed to do it.

I quickly walked to his cell and unlocked it.

"Is it my time to die?" He asked.

"No buddy. When your time comes it's going to be much more painful" I said and gesture for him to stand up. "Stand up" I said, but he didn't "Stand up!" I whined.

"I can't, idiot! My leg is barely working" He said.

"You're making it worse for yourself" I mumbled before helping him stand up.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked.

"Shut the fuck up" I whispered. "We need to sneak past everyone. Once we're in the car we can talk"

We exited through the back door and I ran to the car getting him in the passenger seat.

I quickly got in there and drove off.

"So are you going to tell me now?" He asked.

"Your father is threatening me. That's all you need to know"

I saw him smirk and elbowed his face.

"If I see that smirk once again I am going to rearrange your face"

After a while we stood in front of the same building. I helped him in intentionally letting him fall down in the process and waited.

"I'm here!" I yelled.

"Well well, I didn't actually think you would do it" Mr Balker said.

"Now do what you promised" I said and threw Cole in front of him.

"Who do you think it was? Who do you think betrayed you?" He asked.

"Shut up and tell me"

"Let me help you. You've known them ever since you've been in your mother's womb and he is a man" He said.

That narrowes it down.

"Michael, why don't you come out now?" He called out looking me in the eyes with a smirk.

But the only Michael I know is-


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