Chapter 19

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The day flew by and before we knew it, Ginna and I were kicked out of the building by one of the coordinators and went back to our rooms. I was still a little stunned from our little encounter with Miss Hazel, and still a little confused from what she said.

Why would she have to tell his father anything? And then she said that she would cover for him? But why would she do that?

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened with you and Noah that you took like six years to get back, and all covered in grass?" Ginna said as soon as we got in the elevator of our building.

"W-what?" I checked everywhere to find that I had grass stains in the back of my jeans and blouse.

"I-I fell, and we took so long because we had to make the popcorn!" I tried defending myself, but she gave me a look that said she wasn't buying it.

Well, I supposed I could tell her. I mean, she knows her cousins better than anyone else here, right? Maybe she could give me a little advice on what to do now.

I sighed and braced myself for what was about to go down.

"We almost kissed. Three times" I said and looked to the floor, crossing my arms in front of me.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

The elevator dinged, signaling that we were on our floor, and the doors opened. I stepped off, but Ginna didn't follow, so I turned to her with a confused expression, and was met with a very shocked Ginna. She was almost paralyzed, her eyes were wide and her jaw practically touched the floor.

"Ginna?" I said, a little weary, and the doors started to close back up, but she snapped back to reality, punching the button to open the doors and stepped out with a crazy look on her eyes.

"You did what?!" She practically screamed.

"Ginna!" I whisper-yelled at her and grabbed her arm, dragging her to our room, unlocking it and going through, closing it behind me.

"Details. Now!" She demanded, almost jumping on my bed when I turned back to her.

I explained what happened back at Malibu, the whole rock thing that happened a few days ago and Miss Hazel catching us earlier today.

"But she said something. I still can't figure it out. She said she had to report the incident to his father? But why would she do that? And then she said she'd cover for him? I don't understand." I explained, frustrated.

"Well, she has to report anything and everything that goes on on campus to the head Dean, that's kind of her job." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Head Dean?


Noah and Isaac Avery. Dean Avery. But they couldn't... Could they?

Oh, Jesus, please tell me they're not-

"Uncle Jack told all the coordinators and teachers to alert him of everything that his sons do. He even has me under the radar!" She said and slumped down on my pillow, heaving a breath and crossing her arms over her chest.


"Oh, God. There's no way." I said, starting to panic.

Son of the head Dean? Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

"Uh, yes there is. You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much-" I cut her off.

"Ginna, gross!" I reprimanded and slapped her a little. She just laughed at me and turned to her side on my bed.

"You should've seen your face, oh my God!" She continued to laugh, until she came back to her senses and sat up on her elbows. "But seriously, you didn't know the Dean is their father?" She asked smiling at me.

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