Chapter 14

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It's been two weeks since I've been back, and we've already bought most of the things I'll need for school. Everything from school supplies, text books, the school's uniforms, shoes, a new raincoat in the school's colors, notebooks and binders, and many more things. I was almost all ready to go. I just had to pack some of my regular clothes and shoes, and some other things from my bathroom.

I was set to leave a week from now, for check-in and orientation, and classes were supposed to start a week after that.

Rachel was currently helping me take down some pictures I had printed out and stuck to the wall behind my bed.

"Oh, remember this?" She showed me a picture of us together, sitting in a bench in Disney world and sharing a huge pretzel in the shape of Mickey's head. We were both laughing and looking at each other instead of the camera.

"Yes! How old were we in that picture? Like six and seven?" I smiled, remembering that day.

"I think. And remember when Ryan didn't want to go on the teacups ride because he said they'd make him sick, and then proceeded to make us all go on a roller coaster." We both laughed at the memory and continued to take down the pictures.

When they were all down, Rachel took them and stored them inside one of my binders and closed the box. She then looked at me with a small sad smile.

"I'll miss you, sis." She came close to me and hugged me.

"I'll miss you, too. Now, let's go to your room." I took her hand and led her through the door right across from mine in the hallway.

Rachel was leaving in two days for college. She was going to Washington state to study biology. She was almost ready, with just her bathroom left to pack. So we went there and started packing, hair brushes, perfumes, her flat iron and hair dryer, some of her makeup, shampoo and conditioner and soap.

It was already night time when we decided to stop for today. We were starving, exhausted and in serious need of ice cream.

"There's no more ice cream!" Rachel called out from the freezer. I went over to her and looked for myself at the ice trays, some meat and a box of frozen taquitos, and no ice cream.

"But I bought some yesterday! I even wrote my name on it." So someone in this house ate it.

It couldn't have been mom, because she was on a diet, and my dad was on a business trip out of town. So the only one that could have done it was-

"Ryan!" Rachel called out his name and crossed her arms in front of her.

"What do you want?" He yelled from his bedroom.

"Did you eat my cookie dough ice cream!" I yelled back.

"I ate a cookie dough ice cream. Didn't know was yours." He responded.

"Well, it was mine, I bought it!" I was seeing red now, and Rachel beside me was about to punch someone.

"Okay, then. Sorry I ate your ice cream, but you should have labeled it!"

Oh, no, he doesn't.

"It was labeled!" That's it, I'm going up there.

Barging into his room with Rachel practically seething behind me, Ryan didn't so much as glance our way and turned back to his game on the TV. We stepped in front of it and just glared at him, with our arms crossed in front of us.

"Uh, that glass you ate this morning? Not working, I can't see through you." He said sarcastically.

"Good, because you're coming with us." Rachel commanded and he just looked at her with confusion.

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