Chapter 10

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"This is..." Jane started.

"The best decision we've ever made..." Natalie finished for her.

And I agreed with them. We were in the middle of our facials. We already had gone to the sauna and after this, we were having massages, manicure and pedicure, and to top it all off, mud baths and the jacuzzi.

"Nat, can we live here?" Jane asked from her massage table right next to mine. The spa staff put us all in a big therapy room with four beds, so we were all together.

"Jane, stop moving or your mask is gonna fall off." Leah scolded and I giggled a little, until I felt my sheet mask shift slightly.

"You have no idea how many times I have begged daddy already." Natalie said as an answer to Jane, and her only response was a heavy sigh.

Fifteen minutes later, the ladies doing our facials came back and finished up with us, and then they told us to get our bathrobes off and lay face down on our massage tables with the sheets up to our lower backs and wait for our masseurs. Then, they left us.

"Okay, everybody turn around. We're doing this in turns" Leah said and we all did. One by one, we stripped ourselves and waited.

Five minutes later, the masseurs came in.

Okay, is this a runway? What did I miss?

This must be Jane's doing. After all, she did book our massages, and I'm sure she asked for the Greek models.

I turned my head slightly to look at her beside me, just to find her ogling at the poor men. When she caught my eye, I just looked at her in shock and she just winged at me.


Turns out, the Greek gods were not just pretty faces. Or at least, mine wasn't. Anthony really did a number on me. His hands shall forever be protected. I haven't felt this relaxed since I was born.

After our massages we were directed to the mud baths, were we just hung out until someone came for us and pointed to the showers before we entered the jacuzzi.

"I love Thomas, but right now, if I had to choose between seeing him right now or having Carlos do my back, I don't think he'd be happy with my decision." Natalie said, leaning her arms on the Jacuzzi's edge. We all gave a little laugh and agreed with her.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not tied up like you guys." Jane smirked at us and Natalie just giggled.

"Uh, I don't know about Leah, but last I checked, I don't have a boyfriend..." I looked at them and gave a little shrug.

"Yeah, right. And I have a unicorn." Natalie scoffed. "You are pretty much already taken, Ri. The only one who doesn't see that, is you." She concluded, looking proud of herself.

"Oh, please! I'm no closer to having a boyfriend than Ryan is close to making honor roll." I gave a small laugh and rolled my eyes. "Besides, he doesn't like me like that." At that, my smile fell a little.

Wait. Do I like him like that?

When the hell did that even happen!

I can't let my feelings grow anymore. I already think about him too much as it is. And we're gonna have to leave sooner or later -and for him, it's sooner rather than later. We have no time, nothing's gonna happen. And even if it did, it would just make things way harder than they have to be. I mean, I'm not gonna see him ever again.

I have to stop this before it's too late.

Deciding that the best way to do that would be a change in subject, I did exactly that.

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