Chapter 2

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Someone should really tell my sister that curtains are supposed to keep the sun from getting in, not just taint the sun rays pastel pink. I don't think you can even call them curtains, they serve no purpose whatsoever.

Groaning and stretching my tired muscles, I got up from the floor and with a grimace, noticed that I didn't even change into pajamas and had fallen asleep in my jeans. So, I slept on the floor, with jeans, and woke up to pink light streaming in. No, I'm not happy right now, and I don't even know what time is it.

I go to check my phone, and just because nothing can be easy for me, it's nowhere to be found. After searching the whole room while trying to not wake my sister up, I finally found it just under her nightstand, with 6% of battery. And it's 1:23 pm. Crap. My friends where coming here at noon.

When I opened the door to my room I almost jumped five feet in the air when I saw Leah with my laptop on my desk, Jane trying on my clothes and Natalie falling asleep in my bed. I even screamed a little.

"Jeez, guys! How long have you been here?" I asked them and they just shrugged and went back to what they where doing.

"We've been here for like an hour, but it's okay. Your mom made us cookies!" Jane answered while looking at herself in the mirror with one of my summer dresses in front of her.

"Cookies? Did you leave me some?" I ask, although already knowing the answer. We've been friends since middle school, I know them like the back of my hand.

"What do you think?" Said Natalie, fighting hard to stay awake.

"Nevermind. I hate you guys." I said and threw myself on top of Natalie, making her squeal and push me off of her.

"So, spill it." Said Jane, to no one in particular.

"Yeah, Leah. Tell us everything." I said, making Leah turn around in my spinning desk chair.

"No, silly. She meant you." Said Natalie, now fully awake.

At the look of confusion in my face, Leah came to my rescue and explained the situation.

"You sleep at you sister's every time something happens."

"What? No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!" Jane looked at me, as if waiting for me to challenge her, and before I could say something to defend myself, she continued. "When Jason broke up with you."

"It was just that one-"

"When you came second for the third year in a row at the science fair." Leah chimed in.


"When you got your braces in." Natalie said. "And out."

"Okay! Okay, you are right!" I finally caved in. It's not that I didn't want to tell them, it's just that they always do crazy stuff whenever someone goes on a trip. Like, last year when Natalie was going to Barbados for two weeks with her family, we made a 'going away party' that got me grounded for the duration of her trip. Now, imagine what they would do when I told them I'm going to a boarding school for a whole year.

"So, what is it?" Asked Leah from my desk.

"I got accepted at St. Nicholas'." I said in the tiniest of voices, and they all came closer as if trying to hear me. So I repeated myself I a slightly louder, but still rather tiny, voice.

"Talk, woman!"

"I got accepted!" As I said that, they looked at me with a mixture of excitement and horror. "At St. Nicholas'..."

"You're kidding..." Natalie finally said, after what seemed like an eternity.

"I got the letter yesterday." I looked everywhere but at them and found myself suddenly really interested on counting just how many handles there where in my drawers.

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