(2) Girls are Scary...

Start from the beginning

Shit! I can't tell her I had a match with Honoka.

Shiki: Spar....SPARTAAA!!!

Marie: You....Ended up at Sparta?

Shiki: Y-Yes?

Marie: .....Is this a Japanese pun I'm not getting?

Shiki: Yeeees? *ahem* anyway I'll go make the Prinsesstårta now.

Marie: Yaaay! ......wait....Why is your Restraint on?

Ah! I forgot to remove my glove!!!!

Marie: ....Shi-Kun....Did you...Figh-?

Shiki: Hey...Marie-Chan...

Marie: ......?

Shiki: Sorry...I just feel so happy right now. So let me borrow you for a sec.

I hug her.

Marie: *Blush* W-Wha-!? Shi-Kun!? Is something wrong?

Fighting Honoka, sparked something inside me....

Tears rolled down my face.

Marie: H-Hey, what's wrong? Tell me.

I let her go.

Shiki: Nah, It's nothing.

Marie: Shi-Kun, Come on, You trust me right? Tell me what's wrong?

Shiki: .......

...Yeah, I trust Marie, I'll tell her.

Shiki: ....As you can see my restraint is on, I'm pretty sure you can tell why.

Marie: .....Then does that mean-?

Shiki: yeah....probably. But I'd rather not ever do it again.

Marie: ...Shi-Kun.

Shiki: Haha, don't worry about me.

I pat her on the head.

Shiki: Ah! It's ready. Go sit down Mar-

Marie: Shi-Kun, I would like you to spar with me.

Shiki: ....Eh?

She had a face filled with determination.

Ah....I'm feeling it again....

........... Perhaps I really am made for this.

Shiki: Yeah! I wanna spar too! Okay let's head to the old battle grounds then.

I put the Desert I made in the fridge.

Shiki: ...Hey...You're not mad at me though right?

Marie: what? Of course not. I just wanna Spar with you.

Shiki: Ah~ I got worried there for a second, I thought you had started to hate my guts.

Marie: NO! Shi-Kun is my-

Shiki: ....Hm? "My?"

Marie: ....*Blush* can we just go now?

Shiki: 'kay~!

We head to the battle grounds....also known as my backyard.

Marie: Don't hold back.

She gets into her fighting position.

Shiki: yeah...

I do the same.


Shiki: Huu!

I sprint towards her.

Marie: Too slow!

She punches me square in the face.

Shiki: I'm not done yet.

I unleash my left hand's power. 100....200....300%!!

I push her arm with 300% of my power!

Marie: Eeek!

She get's knocked back, while she tries to regain her balance, I push her down the ground.

Shiki: Check...mate....

Marie: ahh....Hehe...You're still just as good I see.

Shiki: Haha...You...aren't too bad your...self....

I pass out on top of Marie.

I feel like a Kid who's tired from an entire day of playing outside.

Shiki: Ah...You smell nice Marie-Chan...

Marie: ...*Blush* ....hehe....Idiot...

She embraces me....


After My duel with Marie we had dinner and she went home. I am now lying in my bed trying to relax after all the shit I went through today.

Hmm...So...I'm gonna be a fighter again huh...Maybe I should call Helena and tell her about it.

Helena: No need! I'M here!

She bursts into my bedroom


Helena: Shhhhh!!!!

She jumps into my bed and covers my mouth with her hand.


Helena: Calm down!

Shiki: ........

Helena: Good.

She takes her hand off my mouth.

Shiki: How the hell did you even get through my locked door?

Helena: hoh...with this naturally.

She presents a lock pick.

Shiki: I fail to see how that is considered "Natural".

Helena: You bully! I came all this way to see you, and all you do is treat me like a monster.

Shiki: Correction, Criminal, not monster.

Helena: Same thing.

Shiki: *sigh* what do you want Helena?

Helena: Marie told me you're gonna be fighting again? I'm so happy!

Shiki: yeah, I met someone who...nevermind...can you leave now? I need sleep.

Helena: Before that, I have something to tell you. It is urgent.

Shiki: ...lay it on me.

She sits down next to me.

Helena: It's about Shiranui Aragaki.

Shiki: .......

Shiranui Aragaki....the one who made me drop my whole career, the one who almost killed my entire familly and Helena, The Bastard who did anything to win.

I clench my fist.

Helena: It seems he survived the explosion. There has been sightings of him in Brazil 5 months ago, India 4 months ago, London last month and Here in Japan, just 5 days ago.

Shiki: After all the shit he's already pulled....he's not done yet!?

Helena: Afraid not....*sigh* but anyway! Today is a happy day so...EY!!!

She pounces on me and nibbles on my neck.

Shiki: *Blush* Owowowowow! Helena! Stop it!

Helena: hmph! You've become so popular in under one day! Helena-Nee chan feels lonely!

Shiki: Grow up! *Blush* HIIIIIII!!!! Don't touch me theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!!!!!!!!

Girls are So damn scary!!!!

To be continued

On the roof of a very tall building, a shadow looks down uoon the city.....

Aragaki: ........Shiki......KABIRIN!!!!!

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