"Off.... This is hard for me to admit after all this time but... er... for the last 2 months of our relationship well....er I had been cheating on you," Alice said quietly dropping the ball on Off and guiltily looking down at the table.

Off slowly sat back in his chair. 

He thought back to how he had frantically tried to reach out to Alice following the day she broke up with him to explain that she was overreacting and that he had no feelings whatsoever for Gun. He remembers feeling a little resentment for Gun at the time thinking if he hadn't bothered him by sitting on his lap then maybe he would still be with Alice.

He recalled crying to Tay about the stupid reason the person who he thought was his soulmate had left him and getting laughed at by Tay. He recalled all those sleepless nights laying in bed trying to think about where he had gone so wrong, thinking about it so much to the point that it had given him insomnia which still affected him today.

He sat there in disbelief looking at the girl who he had thought at one point was a literal angel tell him that she had cheated on him. He expected to feel his heart break into a million pieces or to feel extremely hurt by what Alice just said. This girl had been the center of his world after all for such a long long time. But sitting there all Off could feel was blindsided and disbelief.


"I'm so sorry, so very sorry Off. It's just I couldn't handle it anymore. I was always just your dirty little secret. I knew it wasn't your fault, that it was because of your work that we had to keep hidden but I just couldn't take it anymore. I always felt like I was never your first priority, always losing out to your work or to Gun. Before you start I know that nothing was going on with you and Gun, though I always suspected Gun might have had feelings for you. You had done nothing wrong and were trying your best to balance everything. I knew that, I knew all that but I still felt so lonely, so incredibly lonely even though I was in a relationship with you," Alice said choking on the last word as tears started rolling down her eyes.

Offs heart ached as he saw her cry and he quickly reached into his bag and brought out a handkerchief before handing it to her with a soft smile trying to console her even as he took everything in.

"Alice..." Off trailed off really uncertain about what to say in this situation.

Alice laughed at his response which made Off feel a little better, hating to see the person who used to be very important to him crying in front of him.

"It's okay you don't have to say anything. I'm not here to ask for your forgiveness, though I'd be happy if I did get it. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness after what I did and you have absolutely every right to hate me but I feel like you deserved to know the truth about what happened back then. I may have been too much of a coward back then but I decided to get the courage to come clean to you, you're such a good person Off  and you were so good to me, you don't deserve to have that hanging over your head like that when I was the one who was in the wrong." Alice said after she had wiped off her tears though her eyes still remained teary, her makeup still looking unaffected even though she was crying, Off noted impressed.

He reached across the table and took her hand in his to comfort her" I don't hate you Alice, I could never hate you", Off said trying to console her but also being honest. Off surprisingly didn't feel angry at her at all. He did feel a little betrayed to find out that she had cheated on him but he didn't feel angry. If Alice had told him back then when she was breaking up with him that she cheated, Off knew it would have absolutely devasted him.

Now though he had gotten time to heal even though he hadn't even been aware of it. Sitting in front of Alice and seeing her cry but only feeling concerned for her as his nong and not because he still had feelings for her made him aware of just how much he had moved on. Alice had been a  important part of his life for a long time and he'd always have a soft spot for her hence why he'd immediately agreed to meet up when she had asked but now, there was someone else who was important to him, who took up all the space in his heart that Off didn't have any space left over to feel hurt about what Alice had just confessed to him.

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