Start from the beginning

"Oh my God! Look at him he's so cute," Ari whined. "Look at him, Dia" she pouted when they handed him over to me all wrapped up in a blue blanket with a lil hat on.

When they put him in my arms and I looked at his little face, it seemed like everything disappeared for a second. He was everything I saw. It felt like all my worry melted away momentarily, and I instantly felt my heart get bigger. He was everything I imagined and more. He was perfect.

"W-wait, what day is it?" I immediately looked up at the nurses, I was here for so long I forgot to check.

"It's December 1st," she grinned. "He was born at 4:50," and at that, I started crying again. Louder that time, I couldn't help it, I didn't expect him to be born today, of all the days in December.

He was born on my mama's birthday, as well as the day I lost her for good.

"H-happy birthday, mommy," I sniffed, looking down at Saire's perfect little face, rubbing my thumb on his smooth skin.


Everyone had come in and met Saire, and they all adored him. He was the first boy in the family and I could already tell they were about to treat him like a damn prince. Which is what he was, my son deserves.

Right now, it was around 7. Maj held him, and they were both knocked out. When he held him for the first time, I think that was the first time I ever seen Semaj cry in my years knowing him. He smiled big and laughed a little bit, wiping a tear from his eye. I could see by the little sparkle in his eye that he was in love.

First thing he said was, and I quote. 'This a lightskinned ass lil boy,' and laughed, of course making me bust out laughing because he don't take nothing serious. After that he was saying all this cute shit about how much he loved him and how was gonna make sure daddy was his favorite, getting on my nerves, because we all knew mommy was gonna be the favorite.

They been inseparable since then. I tried breastfeeding, which worked very well, he latched real good, and ate a good amount, at least that's what the doctor said. But after that, Maj took him right from me and they ass went to sleep.

I wanna nap with them, very rude if you ask me.

"Dia," I heard him mumble a few minutes. I looked over at him again and his eye was popped open. "Lemme get in there wit' you, I'm sleepy,"

I swear he be hearing my thoughts.

I grinned, waving him over and scooting over as best I could. After the epidural wore off, I was in pain. Like nothing I experienced before. Everything was sore from my waist down, and my coochie was crying.

He stood up carefully, and walked over to the bed, kicking his slides off. He laid Saire on my chest and got in the bed, squeezing his ass in next to me. He took the baby back and I laid my head down on his shoulder, letting my eyes drift shut with a smile on my face.


"Semaj, lemme get him," I whined.

Saire had just turned two weeks old and Maj was still being stingy with him. His logic was 'You had him for a whole ass nine months, lemme get him for ten minutes, Sadiya.' Usually I let him hog him for a while, but I missed my stink.

He was really the sweetest thing I ever known. He was precious. He smiled a lot for us, and he was very alert to us. He loved laughing at his daddy doing stupid stuff and making faces at him. He was also a fat ass. The boy ate like nobody ever fed him, every single time.

His family loved him too, especially his Godmother. She was over here twice a week to come check up on me and spend time with him. Maisyn was in love with him, she thought he was the most  perfect thing ever, and when Athena held him the first time she definitely cried.

Shah was the dumb uncle. Like, when we brought him home, Shaheem posed him next to stacks of hundreds just to take pictures of him. My poor baby ain't even know what was going on. Kash bought him this big ass chain and a ring, I don't know who it was supposed to fit but it looked cute in the pictures.

He was still a little light bright, but I knew he'd get tanner as he got older, he was still a newborn basically

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He was still a little light bright, but I knew he'd get tanner as he got older, he was still a newborn basically.

"Man no, we watching basketball," Maj said, making me roll my eyes.

"Semaj, he's asleep,"

"So? We bonding, don't be jealous," he chuckled. "Just come here, stop tryna steal him and lay wit me, mean ass"

"Ain't nobody mean," I grumbled taking my ass right to the couch to lay up. This is usually how they argument of 'who gets to hold Saire' end. We all on one bed or one couch and end up falling asleep.

That was another thing I loved about him. He was such a good sleeper, he woke up at night to be fed of course buy it was so easy to put him down and he loved nap time and cuddling with us on the bed. He was overall very chill and easygoing.

As I became more used to motherhood, I realized that all that worrying I was doing was a lot of anxiety talking. It was so easy to be a mommy to Saire, and loving him was even easier. Semaj being the most helpful and cooperative dad was a bonus.

Every morning, unless he was already with us in the bed, he got him out of his basinet our out of his crib and he just went outside with him. I saw them from our bedroom window on the back porch, Maj would have him wrapped up in his lil blanket with a hat on and everything so he wouldn't get cold, and they sat out there on our patio swing. Sometimes he talked to Saire, sometimes he just sat there but he did it every day. You could really tell how much love he has for his son, it's extremely evident in the way he treats him.

Made me wanna give him another one, but just a lil bit.

He also bought me a push present, and bitch let me just say I own two cars now.

Overall, I was happy. Genuinely and fully happy. If you would have asked me when I was still living in my studio how my life would turn out I would have never in a million years said this. A retired hitman with a husband and a baby. Who owns a strip club. It sounds like a damn BET movie, but I'm glad it all happened to me. Everything I had to go through to get me to this point in my life, that crazy ass ride was worth it.


Saire Prince-Micah Knight
December 1st, 4:50 am
6lbs 3oz

he's heeeeerreeeeee 💙

ah this was a fun chapter to write. i love writing about birth and how it effects people 🥰 i hope y'all enjoyed watching our favs become parents!

leave me some thoughts, the finale is written already so i may just give y'all a lil double whammy lol.

im not sure when the bonus chapters will be up, or when i'll start writing them, i kinda want them to be like a surprise lol. i do have a new story im working on too 😇

anyway! leave me some thoughts

till next time 🖤

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