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One fine day:-


"Speak up Neil, I am listening"

They were having dinner in a restaurant and Aditi was joining shortly.

"Why did you tell me your story after so many months of us being together"

"What do you mean? "

"Like you could have told me this when we were at Marines, remember our first meet"

"You were depressed with suicidal tendencies and you wanted me to tell you about my story when you were suffering from pain"

"No, I don't mean that"

"Then, you wanted me to gain sympathy from you that yes even I had fought depression and you should stop being a coward and give up the idea of ending your life"

"See you have got it all wrong. You kept it hidden from everyone and told nobody about this except Aditi because you think this is gaining undue sympathy and attention but you are wrong"

"What are you trying to explain Neil"

"Your story has strength in it, girl. Rather you should tell it to the entire world aloud for them to listen. I know each one of us are fighting silent battles every day and there are very few people who acknowledge how real depression is. Many of them would have attempted suicide and many are still trying to. If just by sharing your story of strength to the world, you can help millions then why not. And no ways this is gonna lessen your reputation. You can tell the world how depression is real and not those silly jokes people pass in real lives. Inform people that depression is not just about sitting silently and being sad and moving around with a sullen face. A person who is happily smiling and reaching great heights can be depressed too. Tell the entire world Ahana, how you fought it and how life is much more than those days when you feel like giving up"

"I never thought about this side of the coin. Thank you Neil"

"Hey guysss", Aditi just joined.

She thought that the table would be filled with laughter and jokes but the scene in front of her was different. Sitting in front of her were two people with a genuine smile and content in their eyes.

" So, what was being discussed here"

"Aditi.... "

With this, Ahana updated her about the recent conversation between the duo and Aditi seemed satisfied with the proposal.

"Why don't you write a book Ahana", Aditi suggested.

"She likes writing? "


"What shall be the title? "

They went into deep thoughts when suddenly Aditi' face lit up.

"Sunshine", she beamed with happiness.

The duo smiled and Ahana decided to share her story with the world and help millions around who are just like her. She found a new purpose in life and she was all set to achieve this goal. The laughter soon returned to the table and there were conversations about work and jokes and everything here and there.

Few years later -

"Shut up and sit here Neil", Ahana spoke completely irritated.

"I am nervous man, I... "

"You should have thought this before falling in love and getting the idea of marriage"


"No ifs and buts, stay still. You're spoiling everything man.
The moment you are gonna see Kavya in the wedding hall, you'll be at ease"

"I know right, she is"

"We have heard this 1000 times Neil", Aditi spoke annoyed.

They had met in a business seminar and had came close during their recent project. Though they were poles apart but together they made a cute pair. Neil had finally proposed her a month ago and she happily agreed. Today was the day of his marriage and he was being nervous as a bride on her first night.
Aditi and Ahana had told him several times that things are gonna be alright but he was a nervous wreck. Kavya had instantly mixed with the two girls making it easier for Neil.

"Sunshine, I am looking fine na? ", he asked for the umpteenth time.

" Stop behaving like a bride, Neil. I swear if once again you ask this I will tear your clothes and spoil your hair which you have set after spending an hour"

"You can't be so cruel"

"Try me", she said with a smirk.

With this, he put a finger on his lips and was quiet till the venue. He knew his sunshine is crazy and can actually do that if she loses her mind and he can't afford it, not now at least.

"Gosh, she is looking breathtaking", he whispered looking at Kavya thinking that he was speaking to Ahana.

" I know that son", to his surprise his dad replied.

He was so embarrassed and thought it was best to stay shut and observe the serene beauty in front of his eyes. Kavya blushed sensing his gaze on her. The wedding rituals were completed on time and it was so much fun.

It was night and Neil was desperately waiting to go to his room. The elders weren't leaving his side. He finally managed to escape but to his dismay, the girls stood there asking for money. He had no option but to fulfill their demands. He was so impatient that he didn't notice that Ahana was missing.

The bed was beautifully decorated and on it sat a girl with veil covering her face. When Neil uncovered the veil he was shocked to see


"You were expecting something else", she chuckled.

" You should be thankful that first I lifted the veil. What if without lifting it I would have"

"Eww shh shh"

"What, we are legally wedded"

"Have your cheap talks with your bride, I am leaving huh"

He laughed hard and motioned her to stop. She was leaving hurriedly when he caught hold of her hand and

"Thanks for everything, sunshine"

"Senti groom crying on his wedding night as he couldn't find the bride"


"Anyways, before I forget to tell you. The day after tomorrow there is a small award function for the success of SUNSHINE and all the lives it has touched. I am in no mood of receiving the honour without you so, telling you in advance, be free"

"Congrats girl. I knew you could do it"

"By the way, take this clue and find her if you can, bye", she showed him tongue and went leaving him to play a game of treasure hunt.

After solving all the clues in approx an hour, he finally found her having a large cheese pizza in the corner most room. He laughed seeing the sight of his wife stealthily having pizza and went close to her and help her wiping the cheese from around the lips by....


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