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Days have passed after that incident. The office is back to normal. After many interviews, Ahana finally found a competent manager. Neil is doing great job as an accountant. Just yesterday, the doctor had called and informed that Malhotra' have finally woken up from coma. It was as if everything was falling back in place. It took time but finally things seemed pretty alright. Neil visited the hospital and his parents were glad to see him. He took utmost care of them and decided to not reveal anything yet. The company was taken over by Mr. Sharma after the accident took place so basically, Mr. Malhotra had no idea about anything happening in his company. He did ask Neil once and on getting a positive reply, he stopped worrying. He knew Mr. Sharma and Neil would handle everything peacefully. Alas, if he only knew the truth.

The detectives were working as smartly as they could but found no clue about the mishaps happening in the company. For a while Neil thought that maybe due to the fiasco, they would've stopped the illegal activities but Ahana was sure it had just become more protective and nothing else. The income generation by the fake meds was too high to be left aside. She was getting impatient but didn't lose hope.

Once Ahana was sure that the suicidal thoughts are null and void, she happily returned back home and enjoy the delicacies prepared by her Mom. She took an off, called up Aditi and spent an entire week with her family. She had really missed this and felt wonderful and rejuvenating after that week.
Ahana and Aditi had even included Neil in their outing and they had become a trio. The three of them used to go to various random places, play pranks, sing to their hearts content and even enjoy comfortable silences. Neil gelled up quite well with Aditi owing to her outspoken and soft nature. He really enjoyed hanging out with those girls and thanked them for giving him a new perspective of having fun. They had spent nights on the car bonnet, staring at the sky. Even the girls enjoyed with their new partner in crime.

One night, Ahana and Neil were discussing the new project when out of the blue Neil suddenly asked,

"Have you never thought of ending your life? "

"Woohoo, where does this come from? "

"I know you have everything so, maybe that would be a foreign thought to you but just, you know out of curiosity... "

"I didn't have everything right from the beginning, Neil. This empire or whatever you say is my own hard work. I was not bestowed upon this by my father. Though, he has given me everything I've needed but it was sufficient to needs. We were middle class family, just like others. So, this YOU HAVE EVERYTHING statement came very late in my life"

"But then, like I am not being orthodox or typical society mentality person but just.. "

"Why did I chose business as a profession? "


"I knew this would come, someday", she chuckled.

" What do you mean? "

"You are the, I don't even remember the count now, person asking me this question"

"In our society, I think it is very amusing a profession you chose"

"This has a very long story behind it"

"I am okay without popcorn, go ahead"

"Very funny"

Both of them giggled and he adjusted himself on a comfortable couch after winding up the files and placing them safely.

"Since, we are kinda very good friends I am telling you else nobody except Aditi knows this"

"Privileged madam"

"Back in high school, like everyone else, even I wanted to be a singer. I was not into this business and all. I had a boyfriend back then, Aarav. We dated for three years. He was very sweet and charming. He was one of the most popular guys in our college but he had eyes only for me. I felt lucky and blessed. I used to share everything with him. We were quite close. We used to spend hours together, chatting and studying and romancing and so much more. He was just like a drug and I was addicted. As time passed by, I had dreamt of having my small, little family with him until one day I realised he was cheating on me with the college' head girl, Naina. She was a rich, spoil brat and had a figure of a model. I knew that she had a crush on Aarav but I never knew all this is going on behind my back. Aditi had witnessed all this and wanted me to catch them red-handed. She took me in the last corner of corridor and what I saw horrified me. I saw them making out in front of my eyes. They were kissing each other madly like two hungry, passionate souls as if their life depends on this kiss. I was too shocked to respond. I tried calling Aarav but it only came out as a whisper. Naina noticed me and stopped abruptly. On noticing that Naina is not kissing him back, his head turned towards the direction where Naina's eyes were glued. He was shocked to find me there and,

"Baby, I can explain. It's not what you're thinking. This Naina started molesting me, I was not kissing her back", Aarav said.

Before he could continue I slapped him hard.

How could you cheat me Aarav?, I was devastated.

Naina interrupted and spoke, Listen baby, I think it's time we tell her the truth. Bitch, he was in love with me and we are dating since 5 years. He was with you because he wanted to pass or actually, we wanted to pass. What the hell do you think, why would someone like Aarav fall in love with you. Neither do you have amazing looks nor are you rich, nerd.

With this, she swayed her hair, took hold of Aarav's hand and left me, all alone. Aditi, who was watching everything from behind, ran and came to me not before slapping two tight slaps on Aarav and Naina's face for hurting her best friend. I cried in her arms for I don't know how many hours till my tears were exhausted"

"I never knew you had to go through this much and I am sorry", Neil spoke.

" Don't be. After the betrayal, I was like a living corpse. Luckily, we had vacations from the next day and Aditi's parents had to fly off to a wedding. She called up at my place and informed about my stay at her house. This wasn't unusual so my parents agreed without a second thought. She tried hard to make me eat or at least drink few sips of water but of no use. I had locked myself in a room, cursing myself and my fate for hours and crying my lungs out. After few hours, Aditi opened the door with a spare key and hugged me tight. She left me alone for those hours as she knew that I needed to vent out everything. She brought my favourite ice cream and chocolates and even prepared my favorite food while I was locked in the room yet I slept empty stomach. I didn't realise when I slept in her embrace.
When I woke up, I was neatly tucked in the bed with a blanket. I got up emotionless and sat staring into empty space.
I don't know when she brought me a cup of coffee and this time, without any tantrums I drank it"

"And when I was back after keeping the cup in the sink, I saw the most unbelievable sight in front of me", Aditi barged in the conversation.

" When did you come? ", Ahana asked.

" Shouldn't the question be how? ", Neil suggested.

" She has spare keys, dumbo", Ahana replied and turned towards Aditi, seeking for answers.

"Mommy told that you are in office busy with something important so, I just came to pay you a visit. While I was about to open the door, I heard your conversation and knew that life story is going on"

"Hahah, very funny"

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