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"What happened, who is it? ", Neil asked not understanding what just got into those girls.

" Neil you still need to know a lot about her", Aditi replied after gathering herself from the shock.

"When Aditi entered the room, I was just about to slit my wrist with the compass rounder lying nearby. I had it placed near my wrist and was lost in deep thoughts. Before I could advance further, she barged in the room and gave me a tight slap. I was shocked at the sudden redness on my cheek. She slapped me again and this time, harder. I was tired of life and wanted to end it but after receiving her two slaps, I finally gained some sense and realised what I was going to do. I threw the compass and hugged Adi. No matter what may happen, I would never end my life, I wasn't that weak. I cried in her arms and screamed and shouted, cursing my fate. After few minutes, I stopped crying and wiped my face", Ahana spoke nonchalantly.

"The words she spoke the next made me realise that Ahana is back. You know, I speak I lot of cheesy names to irritate her because I know she hates it but there is one name which I'd never stop calling her is this, warrior. The way she bounces back is so amazing. She reminds me of the times when we were kids and had just begun to learn how to walk. We fall so many times but never give up. The other attempt is more stronger than the previous one. She reminds me of that doll which falls numerable times but is back on her feet, on her own. You were right Neil, there are people who know that something is wrong and they sulk over it but she, she has the will to make it right. I love the spirit she carries and the positivity she radiates", Aditi spoke with admiration in her eyes.

Ahana smiled and hugged her while a few drops escaped Aditi's eyes.

"I can't cry for a person who cheated me, used me and left me as a piece of trash. Life is so much more than just him. Rather, I should celebrate for this is an independence day, an eye opener for me", these were the exact words she used that day, I still remember.

Ahana smiled at Aditi's memory and teased her for finishing the entire almond stock.

"I never cried for him after that day but I lost a piece of myself after that incident. A wounded heart hurts more than a wounded body. Though we had our favourite food items and watched movies together, it never left me. I lost my faith in love. The people who say love exists and is the most beautiful feeling ever, I don't cross question them. Maybe, love is splendid and true love exists but not for me, probably. They say one day someone will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces would fix back together and they were right. I found that special one, it was my best friend, Aditi. I feel if you really cherish the bond that you guys have, remain friends. Getting into a relationship, complicates stuff. It's like solving problems together which would never have arose if they wouldn't have gotten into a relationship. I don't say all that is wrong but I personally would never prefer it.
Neil, I am so glad that you chose friendship as a tag to define what we have. I could've never handle if you would have told me that you love me"

"Who says I don't, but not the way you speak. I love you and admire you as a best friend, nothing more than that and nothing less", he winked.

" But what connection does this story have with the message you received", Neil asked confused.

"Many years after this fiasco, when Ahana's parents showed her a guy for marriage, she agreed. She never wanted all the drama in her life but her parents' happiness was more important", Aditi spoke to answer his question.

" But, few months before my marriage, my dad faced loss in business. It wasn't very major so as to postpone the wedding but then he couldn't manage to give the required dowry. I never knew all of this until the day of marriage when I heard him pleading to the groom's father. I was shattered and felt myself as a burden. I was so shocked to see this still prevalent after all these years and that too in a modern city like Mumbai. But the way Aditi calls me, a warrior, I was not the one to sit and cry for hours. I dialled the police and informed them about everything. Nobody knew about this act of mine, neither my parents nor Aditi. On reaching the wedding mandap, I refused to sit and created a scene there. I gave them these huge lectures on the illegal practice of dowry, the way you say Neil, a philosophy teacher", Ahana chuckled.

Aditi barged in to complete the story, "Her relatives were very upset with whatever happened and considered her as a bad influence on their children. They asked Ahana's dad to either disown her or never to show his face in front of everyone. Ahana was shocked to hear this statement from her favourite Bua (dad's sister). She tried reasoning but they turned deaf ear. Her dad understood what Ahana said was true and it was his fault to succumb to the groom's demand. The guests had already left after the arrest episode of the groom's family.
Her dad held her hand and had proudly said, "She is my daughter and I am proud of her. I would trade nothing in exchange of her happiness. If you guys can't accept her than I am fine with having no ties with you all".
With this announcement, everyone was shocked".

" I tried to sort things out and to make them understand that the step I took should have been taken by them, long ago but my pleas were futile. They went cursing me and saying all sorts of bad words to me and my family. I sat on the floor with a loud thud and started crying uncontrollably. My dad confronted me saying that he never needs relatives who can't see his family happy and that he feels so lucky to have a daughter like me.
We departed to our homes. Nobody talked of that topic ever again. After that fateful day, I never met my relatives and my cousins. I had made it clear that I don't want to get married, ever.
That day I realised money is very important. The best way to make millions was business and this is how I entered the world of business. Being a woman, I had my own set of struggles but eventually things did fall into place and here I am, owner of one of the top leading multinational company", Ahana spoke with pride.

Neil was inspired by the way Ahana had overcome each hurdle to reach the top. His respect for her increased with each word being spoken. He was glad to have such a strong friend, a warrior.

"I am so proud of you, SUNSHINE. But yet again, who had texted you? "

"It was....... "

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