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"A business woman dealing in jewellery decides to have a merger with an alleged pharmaceutical company.
Game plan or stupidity?? " , the news headlines read.

"Ahana, are you sure? ", Aditi's voice was laced with concern.

" 100 cent sure. This is a two way deal Aditi. If it works, my career will get skyrocketed ", Ahana was confident.

" Fine, all the best"

"Thanks, Adi"

With this, they hung the call. Aditi was worried but was sure of Ahana's skills while on the other side even though Ahana was trying to sound confident, her internal debate was still on. Anyhow, the purpose gave her newfound strength and she was ready to face the world with her brains and eyes open 24/7.

"Mam,thanks for giving us the opportunity to capture your interview"

"Go ahead", Ahana replied professionally, uninterested in the formalities.

" Mam, according to the recent headlines, it has came to our notice that you have been interested in Malhotra pharmaceutical company which is already accused of selling fake medicines"

"The owner responsible for the accusation is no more handling the company. On the other hand, the company is already very much in the headlines so I really don't need to work on the publicity part and thirdly, I was looking for an investment venture and I think I would prefer this company. Further details, I would like them to be kept personal. I hope your queries have been answered and if you guys would please, excuse me"

Without waiting for any further nuisance, she left from there smirking. She knew her step 1 was successful. She immediately called up her parents and Aditi.
After talking to them, she received the much needed support and decided to ring up Neil.

"Neil, any updates? "

"Back to bossy tone Miss", he chuckled a little.

Within these months, they had become quite good friends. Neil was a hardworking guy and a very quick learner. He had amazing ideas to flourish business and that side had impressed Ahana a lot. She never wondered how the pharmaceutical were among the top mentioned companies.
Neil had made great advances in catching the culprit. They were almost there and it was the last proof they were heading to while Ahana was true to her words and had managed to trap Mr. Sameer in her authorative tone and business sense.
When the offer was made to him, he had gladly accepted it without giving a second thought, as expected.

Mr. Sameer was a 40 percent partner in Malhotra companies and after the accusation on the Malhotra family, he had smartly outwitted the court and had the entire company to his profit. His words were very much sugar coated and with the help of few loop holes in the law system, he managed to give his evil deeds a destination.
He had requested the court to not seal the company as it was a major medicine supplier and had a great export income also. It would be a loss to the nation as well as the families who used to burn their stoves using the companies salary. He had promised the court to not repeat what his partner did and even suggested for regular checking, if required. The court agreed to his plea and didn't seal the company.

"I keep my professional life very much focused, Mr. ", she replied back with a tone of mischief.

" Business woman for a reason", he laughed.
"Anyways", he continued, " I have got hold of the account statements plus I have video proof of the manager and the accountant being involved in the crime"

"Just exactly what I needed to hear. I have good news for you as well. I am sure you know it through news", she laughed mocking the media which creates mountain out of a molehill.

" Yes, I must say huh I am impressed"

"Thanks for the compliment, though. Anyways, see you in the office, bye"

"Bye", there was a victorious grin adorning his face.

The merger was finally made official and the so called detectives were already positioned in the company. Neil had finally been able to earn a decent amount and give it back to Ahana for saving his house from getting auctioned. But he knew, this was not the limit. Seeing her goals getting accomplished, he had this ignited passion within him. His parents were doing well and their condition had shown an improvement in the past two months.
The 'suicide after one month' was long forgotten. He now had a desire to live and make sure his life was worthy. He could never thank Ahana enough for her kind deed but he was surely grateful to find a friend like her.

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