Doctor-Patient Romance

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Nick x Doc

Nick took slow deep breathes as he sat on the doctors couch. His chest burned and his head spun, both from the pain and the scent of chemicals mixed with burning flesh. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get himself to fully relax, his body actually trembled from the mixture of signals it was getting from his body. He fought it, but his eyes slowly started to close as he silently begged for the doc to hurry up and return. His breath hitched and he found himself choking and coughing, blood splattering  down the front of his shirt as he futilely tried to calm himself.

He watched as black spots appeared on his vision as he choked and gasped for air. He jumped slightly as hands were suddenly on him forcing his body into more upright position.

"Inhale through your nose and breath out through your mouth." The docs voice came as Nick struggled to follow his instructions, shaking his head weakly after a few failed attempts. "You've got this, come on. One more try for me." Eventually his coughs subsided and he slumped back in the chair head falling forward as he slowly refocused. The doctor shook him lightly. "Hey, stay awake. Don't slump or you could start coughing again."

He nodded and followed the instructions swallowing back more coughs. He vaguely wondered if he looked as exhausted as he felt, but judging from the way the doc kept glancing up at him (which he could tell from the slight upturn of the mask) he was pretty sure he did. He winced as the man began to apply some kind of creme onto his chest, easily just shoving the burnt shirt to the side. It stung but nothing worse than it had been before and the doctor was being extremely careful, his hands were leaving gentle and fleeting touches. He wasn't sure if he was just touch starved or what but he wanted nothing more than to curl into the touch. He ignored that want.

"Scoot forward a bit." The doc ordered as he pulled out some bandages leaning close to wrap them around Nick's torso.

Nick felt his breath catch in his throat as he could hear the docs breath, soft and steady from under the mask, the beak just over his shoulder. His face began to burn and he let his eyes focus on the wall on the opposite side of the room. The doc must have noticed his blush as he tied off the bandages and took a minute to observe him, leaning back on his legs, head tilting to the side.

"You're not getting a fever are you?" He asked. Nick could hear the frown in his voice.

"No, I'm fine. Well, fine in that regard anyway..." He muttered, eyes falling to his lap.

 Now staring resolutely downward he was completely unprepared for the feeling of a could hand brushing against his forehead, gently pushing his hair to the side before landing flush against it. he looked up to see that the doctor had removed his glove and was now checking his temperature.

"You're a bit warm..." The doctor hummed pulling his glove back on. "I'd rather not waste any of my fever reducers on such a small fever so you should just rest for a bit. Try and sleep it off before it becomes a major problem."

Nick's eyes widened. "I don't have time for that! I have to go follow up a few more leads I have-"

"No." The doc cut him off, voice seeped in irritation. "You have to get some rest."

Nick glared. A part of him felt like a stubborn child but he couldn't help it. He had to find Kirk if it was the last thing he did. So instead of agreeing to follow the doctors orders he stubbornly refused, with a childish, "You can't make me."

The doc abruptly stood, glaring down at the seated sniper. "Alright listen hear you idiot! I'm sick and tired of having to waste medical supplies, all because you morons can't follow simple orders. So I'm going to make sure that you rest."

"And how are you gonna do that?"

Whatever Nick was expecting it certainly wasn't for the doctor to sit next to him and wrap and arm around his shoulder pulling his head against his chest. Nick let out a squeak as he was manhandled into practically cuddling with the other man. His face burned as he froze up on pure instinct.

"I'm gonna hold you here until you get the proper amount of rest for you to both not get sick and not pass out from exhaustion."


"So just shut up and sleep."

Nick knew he should protest more or just force his way out of the doctors grip (He knew that getting away would be no issue if he tried, he was a military sniper while the doc was just... a doctor) but he felt so secure leaning against the doctor, the warm body against his own along with the steady beating of the other's heart was already causing his mind to shut itself down. He rationalized his thoughts with a reasoning of the doc would throw a fit if he tried to ignore his orders and then the Colonel might get involved. So Nick let himself sleep, curled up against the typically stoic doctor who began to run his fingers through Nick's two toned hair.

A/N: I was just catching up on Mick's Origin vids and opps my finger slipped. Like wth I don't even ship this but it's here now- 

Anyway I didn't really have a direction when I started this and it just kinda went this way so you might be abe to tell... Also it is really hard to write a character with a full face mask. I couldn't describe facial expressions so I had to make due. At any rate I hope you all enjoyed. Peace!

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