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TW: Major character death (Also set before David lost his arm)

David stared at the figure that stumbled towards him, a shell of the person it used to be. He heard Lucas sobbing somewhere behind him but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the zombie that was still moving towards him. He took a breath and shifted the axe in his hands. He grit his teeth as he felt tears well up in his own eyes.

"Dammit." He swore softly as he let himself take a few steps back, putting distance between himself and the corpse. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this. You... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you when you needed it." He sighed and raised the axe. "I'll make this quick and then you can rest."

With one quick swing of his weapon the head was disconnected from the body. It thudded to the ground, falling still, as he felt the blood splatter over him. He felt bile rise up in his throat as he stared down at it. He took a breath and gave one more whispered apology and turned to his friend. Usually this would be the moment where he teased the smaller man for crying but now he just pulled Lucas into a hug and let him sob into his shoulder.

"It's not fair... It's not fair..." Lucas repeated the phrase over and over, like a mantra between his sobs.

David ran a hand up and down his back. "No, it's not." He agreed.

David let them stay as long as he felt if safe, which wasn't long enough. He carefully pulled away from his friend and forced him to his feet.

"C'mon, we have to go." He said still holding the other close. It'd be awhile before he let him anywhere out of his sight. Lucas just shook his head burying his face further into David's shoulder. "Lucas, we can't stay any longer, we have to move."

David pulled away and Lucas buried his face in his hands instead, body still wracked with sobs.

David grit his death and stood dragging Lucas up with him. "God dammit Lucas, pull yourself together! I'm not losing both of you here!"


"No buts! We have to be strong. He wouldn't want us to just give up."

"..." The shorter was silent for a moment before he nodded and forced his legs to support him. "Let's go..."

David swallowed and hesitantly released the other. "Yeah, let's."

David supported Lucas who couldn't seem to steady himself as they left the room. He paused in the doorway, glancing back. He let out a sigh, his voice whispering softly. "Goodbye Brandon."

A/N: Small crappy thing. I haven't had the time or energy to write with the whole Corona virus bs. *RANT AHEAD* I work in a grocery store (specifically the deli part) so I'm one of the people dealing with the worst of the public's reactions. I haven't been able to clock out on time in about a week at this point. The shelves are going empty, the cops have been called three times in the past three days, people have been getting buying extreme amounts of thing (Who needs 14 lbs of corned beef!?) I've honestly lost a lot of faith in humanity over this. All the cold medications are gone so people who actually need them don't have any chance at getting them because some jerkface decided to buy them all! And then the Governor of my state put out a statement that said the non necessary business's like restaurants and bars are going to be shut down then later came back and said it wasn't mandatory just suggested! I was freaking out because my mom works in a bar and that would have made us lose her income and now I have no clue what the hell is happening. So yeah, I haven't had much time to write. *RANT OVER*

At any rate I hope you enjoyed this. Please stay safe and remember to wash your hands. Peace!

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