Surprising Fears

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Colin couldn't believe what he was seeing. Austin, the Misfits cool, calm, and collected leader was backed up in a corner, staring down in terror at the green danger noodle that was just staring back at him. The other had no weapons on him and seemed reluctant to actually ask for help as the snake moved closer, instead just pressing himself further against the wall.

The group had been traveling to the Home Depot to track down Kasey's(?) friends when they took a small break because Seekah had to use the bathroom. While Seekah was gone Austin had scoped the area and deeming it safe had set down his bag and his weapons to write in the book he always carried. (Colin had asked what it was once and was simply told "Notes.") While Austin was distracted, Colin had been keeping watch.

Colin had seen the snake approach but wasn't too concerned. The combination of zombies not seeming to care much about then and a lack of people made it so they were actually pretty common in places, even the urban cities. He'd watched it slither around until it got a little too close to Austin, who had been completely absorbed in his writing. Colin watched as his blue and purple eyes lifted and immediately went back to the page. At least until his whole body went stiff and his eyes jerked back upward, staring into the snakes beady black eyes.

Austin leapt to his feet body stumbling back to get away only to slam into the corner there. The snake moved closer, seemingly curious as Austin stared, eyes wide and body shaking. His hands frantically searched for a weapon before he turned slightly locking on to his bag that was between him and the snake. Colin could see the realization in his eyes when he noticed his gun and bow sat next to the bag.

He glanced at Colin and Colin could see the embarrassed flush that flooded his face when he realized the other was watching.

Colin finally spoke up. "Hey, you good..?"

"Yep," Austin's vice cracked as he shakily nodded, "everything's good here!"

"Are you sure..?" Colin frowned. "Are you... scared of the snake?"

"Nope!" Austin attempted to wave him off but flinched yanking his hand back to himself as the snake perked up at his movement.

Colin couldn't help but giggle slightly. It was amusing to see the usually mature teen act so out of character. He found it very amusing, at least until he noticed how badly the other was shaking.

"Hey," he hesitated before gently asking, "do you want me to get rid of the snake?"

Austin didn't respond for a moment before he managed to stutter out "I-If you want to..." The snake abruptly reared back into a threatening posture and Austin managed to shove himself even further back. "Please!" He yelped. "Please g-get rid of it!"

The fear in his eyes got Colin moving quickly as he stepped between the two. "All right you!" He growled, kicking lightly at the snake. "Get out of here! Shoo!"

The snake seeing that there two humans backed down and quickly slithered off. Colin turned and winced. Seeing the other up close made it obvious how terrified he'd been. Colin almost felt guilty for having been amused. Austin was still pressed into the corner shaking, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Colin reached towards him pausing slightly as Austin flinched again before pushing forward and gently pulling the leader away from the corner. He carefully sat the still trembling leader on the curb next to his bag and pulled a water bottle out of it passing it to Austin.

Austin sipped at it and tried to discreetly wipe his eyes as he curled up still glancing around as though worried the snake would return.

"You good?" Colin asked sitting next to him.

Austin just nodded.

"So... snakes huh?"

Austin flinched and sighed. "Guess there's no recovering from that. Yeah, I'm, uh, scared of snakes."

Colin shook his head in disbelief. "How?"

"What do you mean?"

"How are you scared of snakes? I've seen you face down hoards of zombies with a straight face, keep calm when someone was seriously injured, and even stare down a gun pointed at your face without breaking a sweat. But being faced with a snake..?"

Austin sighed again. "But a snake was able to completely debilitate me?"


Austin shrugged. "When I was younger, I was bit by a snake." He admitted. "I don't know why but that always stuck with me. I'm usually fine because I'm not cornered and even when I am I usually have a weapon of some kind on me. But I was stupid and I set them down." Austin shook his head. "So yeah. Don't you dare tell anyone." Austin glared.

Before anything else could be said Seekah returned. "Hey guys!" He took note of their serious demeanors and frowned. "Did something happen?"

Colin jumped to his feet with a grin. "Yeah! Aus-" Before he could say anything else Austin was glaring at him from behind Seekah. The teens eyes flashed angrily and he dragged his thumb across his neck in warning. Colin shuddered. "Uh, I mean nothing. You missed nothing."


"C'mon guys. We gotta get to Home Depot."

"R-Right..." Colin nodded and quickly followed Austin, leaving Seekah to be very confused as he trailed behind.

A/N: Yeet! Two chaps in a row! Like I said before, I've become obsessed with this series. I actually bought Austin's MUNCH hoodie along with both the Austin and Bri OriginZ stickers so yeah. Austin in another one of my favorites in this series, along with Nick lol. I just love how him and Bri like switched personalities for this one.

Also the idea came to me when watching PokeCouples where Austin said he was scared of snakes because he was bit as a kid so  yeah.I'm also worried they got a little ooc but I think I didn't do too bad a job. Oh well, hope you enjoyed! Peace!

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