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TW: Slight gore, near death experience

Bryan grit his teeth as he found himself backed into a corner. He'd been on a small run to gather some medical supplies when he'd wound up getting caught by some stragglers from the hoard. Under normal circumstances he'd have been able to take them out no issue. However as he was moving to keep distance between them and himself, he'd managed to trip, twisting his ankle. At that point there a few zombies had managed to get in between him and his vehicle, forcing him to hide in a building nearby. Not to mention his shotgun was not only almost out of ammo but also extremely loud.

"Well this would make a bishop mad enough to kick in stained glass windows." Bryan growled in irritation as he listened to them shamble around outside. He let his body slid down the wall and pulled his leg close to examine the damage. It had started swelling and remained too sore to move well with. He sighed. "Guess I'm stuck for the moment."

Bryan sat there for who knows how long as the zombies moved around outside. Luckily they weren't very smart as they had lost him the moment he'd gotten out of there. sight. Unluckily it looked like he was gonna be stuck here for the night as his ankle hadn't stopped hurting in the slightest. He could try to make a break for it but he wasn't sure he'd get lucky a second time, especially as the sun was setting and they only got worse at night.

He leaned back and held back another sigh. It was unlike him to be caught like this and he cursed himself for being so clumsy as he set himself up to wait the night out.

Things were going smoothly, other than his growing exhaustion because he wasn't dumb enough to try sleeping while surrounded, until the sun started to rise. He had stood was looking out the window when he heard a shuffling noise behind him. He turned just in time to throw his arms up to hold the gnashing teeth of a zombie at bay. He tumbled backwards slamming onto the ground as he fought to hold the thing of him. He grit his teeth and gagged at the smell of rotting flash as it chomped and bit, constantly struggling to get closer. It seemed to have something wrong with its arms as they just hung limply making no move to try and grab or scratch him.

"Get off!"He growled as he tried to throw it to the side, but the zombie was determined. Bryan felt sweat drip down his head as his arms began to tremble. His mind raced as he felt his arms begin to give out, it's head growing closer and closer.

Then right as Bryan's arms were about to give out a boot slammed into the side of the zombies head, kicking it off the farmer who could barely believe his eyes.

"Mario!?" His voice cracked as his brother jumped over him and curb stomped the zombie, crushing it's head to a red paste. Mario stomped a few more times before spinning around and crouching next to Bryan who lay there shaking.

Mario was shaking too as he helped him sit up. "Did it bite you!?" He asked urgently, hands gripping Bryan's arms.

Bryan shook his head. "No, but it was darn close. Thanks for that."

"Don't mention it." Mario smiled weakly as he stood helping pull Bryan to his feet and letting him lean on him for support. "Let's get out of here."

"There were more outside-"

"I took care of them on my way in. Come on, I'll give you a lift back to the farm."

Bryan forced a laugh. "Well I'd certainly hope so."

Mario rolled his eyes and the two headed towards Mario's truck where Mario's dog sat, tail wagging and waiting.

A/N: Cute brother stuff! It seems that no matter where I go I can't escape cute brotherly love... Not that I'm complaining though lol. I hope I end up writing more OriginZ Bryan because I bookmarked a whole list of obscure southern sounding phrases that I really wanna use. My favorite being "He's so cheap he wouldn't give a nickel to see Jesus riding a bicycle."

Also there is no way I'm typing out Bryan's accent. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this short ans sweet little piece. Peace!

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