Incorrect Quotes

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Nick: Sir you have been observing the farmer guy for 48 hours now. Have you learned anything!
Ironwood: People fall in love with him very easily.
Nick: Example?
Ironwood: *Holding back tears* Me...


Austin: You're acting like a child Seekah.
Seekah: I am not acting!


Justin: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.


*At 3 a.m.*

David: Do blind people see their dreams?
Leo: Do deaf people hear their thoughts?
Lucas: Do either of you ever shut up?


Doc: I was always taught "You have to pick your battles" well guess what? I'm full of rage and picking all of them.


Podrick: *Shining a flashlight under the bed* Cookie? Are you ready to come out and socalize with people?
Cookie: *Demonic hissing*
Podrick: Understandable, have a nice day.


*In college*

Ritchie: Nine hours of studying and I can't even remember my own name but I can remember how to kill a man with a toothbrush so there's that.


David: *High* Do you ever wonder how in old westerns they the newcomer to town is the only one that steps on the creaky floorboard? Like how is that even possible?
Leo: Well, what if you intentionally put in just one squeaky floorboard and tell regulars that if they squeak it their first drink costs 10% more? Then only new people who don't know the rule will step on it while familiars ignore it.
Lucas: ...Did you just write an algorithm for human behavior?


Xylo: If you ever encounter a genie and are craving those sweets called raspberry crowns don't say "I'd like a lifetime supply of raspberry crowns" because while that is what they're called, it's also a type of wasp and a genie, being a nasty trickster, will no doubt just give you a bunch of wasps.
Mario: ...That was oddly specific are you okay?


Nick: What have I told you about comparing the colonel to the devil?
Marshie: Umm... It's offensive to the devil?


*In college*

David: Leo truth or dare?
Leo: Truth.
David: How many hours of sleep have you gotten this week?
Leo: ...Dare.
Lucas: Go to sleep.
Leo: I don't like this game.


Podrick: You're violent!
Cordelia: Yeah, but I'm short so it's adorable


Ironwood: How do you plead?
Colin:*Looks at Austin*
Austin:*Mouths* Not guilty
Colin: *Confidently* Hot milky.


Bri: Hey Austin!
Austin: Yes?
Bri: I made us friendship bracelets!
Austin: Bri you know I'm not a jewelry kinda person.
Bri: Well, you don't have to wear-
Austin: Back off this is mine!


Justin:*Angrily at Brick* Fight me!
Colin:*With a knife behind Justin**mouths* Do not!


A/N: I got bored and realized I was kinda neglecting this book. So yeah this is just a small thing. More odd ships with the Bryan x Pat/Ironwood lol. Any way hope you enjoyed. Peace!

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