Katherine McNamara

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I know that this was requested in august, but I just got the motivation to complete my requests that are long past due. Sorry for the wait @xX-Hastings-Xx

•The sanctuary Niotanimiricsid(read it backwards)is very strict, they want to create a purified society, therefore anyone who isn't a cisgender, heterosexual, believer in god are judged and treated like prisoners. They rule most of the earth, and do have smaller sanctuaries that are under their rule. Once you're in you're in for life, you can never leave and you are under very strict watch.
•Work begins at age 18, but adults can have teen "shadows" that help them at work and around the house for a small pay or community service
•People aged 18-20 are housed in communities or apartments while they work in preparation to be matched. The type of community you're in depends on your families social status and wealth
•Marital pairings are chosen by the government in a yearly ceremony for people who are 21, those who haven't been matched yet, or those who's matches have failed and have an approved divorce.
•Rules are very strict and if you break them, then punishment will be rough. You're not allowed to speak out against the government, be any religion that doesn't believe in God/Jesus, be LGBT, crossdress, date without government permission, sleep with anyone besides your pairing, not have children, have children without consulting the government, and no naming children anything that's not in the name book. And men are the most powerful, women aren't generally hated upon, they can do a mans work, and do it better but are still seen as a minority.

There are other sanctuary's that are not like this, they are smaller and more lenient, they are hidden away from the Niotanimiricsid people as to avoid conflict.

You and Katherine are dating, but you live in a sanctuary where being LGBT is frowned upon. You two are planning on escaping to the Edirp sanctuary in secret. You guys have access to exit information due to Katherines match(Jonathan) being part of the government. You two are an age gap couple. You being 16 and her nearly being 23. Katherine was assigned to be a vet, and you met through a school trip at her clinic. You two clicked instantly, it was just friends at first and you became an intern at her clinic, she figured out that you didn't like the way your sanctuary was run and planned on leaving. After this you two quickly fell in love, and she you became her official shadow so that you two could be together more often

"You and that teen shadow have a very good relationship." Jonathan says to his new fiancée as he sips on his drink.

"Her name is y/n, and yes we are close is that a problem?" Katherine snapped back

"Absolutely not, I'm so glad that you have a good shadow to follow in your footsteps, she's a nice girl and her pairing will be very lucky to have her." Katherine is taken aback by his comment, she could tell by his tone of voice that he was attracted to you, that made her sick. Not only because he was in his 30s, but also because you were her girlfriend.

"Hey, don't talk about her like that." She said quickly, soon regretting that because she thought he'd catch on to her

"Oh my little Kat is jealous. There's no need to be, I only have eyes for you. I'm just happy that someone else is able to experience you're greatness without actually having you." he cups her chin as he finished his sentence, and he leaned in for a kiss, Katherine reluctantly kissed him back and pulled away with a coy smile.

"You seem very protective over your best friend"

"Best friend?" She questions

Jonathan raises his eyebrows at her

He smiles, knowing that she'll be happy about his surprise "I mean that y/n girl

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He smiles, knowing that she'll be happy about his surprise
"I mean that y/n girl. She seems like your best friend, but if she's not then I'll just cancel the week long spa trip that I planned for you two. But if she isn't you best friend then..." He trailed off anticipating her response

"Are you serious Jon?" Katherine says completely surprised and exited to have some alone time with you.

"Yes I'm very serious, but if you're not best friends I can cancel, I did book you the besties package"

"No don't do that, we most definitely are best friends"

*no proofread*

A/n: thanks for your patience with this, now because if corona my old requests will be completed, and new requests will be open soon.

I actually fell in love with this while I was writing. I'm thinking about turning it into a book, but idk if anyone would read it.

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