| 27 : Wedding Day |

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A/N -

Hey guys! So in my last chapter I asked whether you wanted a Josh perspective or Nessa. Although many of you wanted a Josh one, a lot of you wanted both. I have decided to do a both but this might come confusing to you. Normal font will be Nessa, whereas Italics is Josh.

For Example:

Sup y'all - Nessa (normal)

Heyo - Josh (slanted)

So if you still find it confusing, go ahead and comment and I can help out because I have no life, but you probably won't need to because it is quite easy. Anyway enjoy this chapter :)


In the very beginning, Nessa is reading a letter, it is written in italics but that does NOT have anything to do with Josh. Just letting you know.





Wedding Day






"We are nearer loving

those who hate us,

than those who love us

more than we wish,"


THE DAY STROLLED BY, yes!! I'm getting married. Note the sarcasm. I wake up from my bed where beside me was a note, and in it, it read.

Hey sis, your big  day is here! I can only imagine your very excited face. Jenna and I have your schedule set. You will get from under your sheets and grab the breakfast beside you. You have so many options made by yours truly and his girlfriend; Jenna. We can only imagine your face right now, but we must make it quick about us and move on back to you. We have been together for two and a half weeks but wanted to surprise you. So at least there is something good about today. Anyway, we have made sure that the least mom and dad could do is let you be home alone so you can blast your favorite songs and run around. You can watch, dance or jump, do anything you want. We are sorry how things have turned out but we love you more than anything. After that, we'll pick you up around 3:30 pm and you won't need to bring anything, we are ready for you. Enjoy your day sis, we love you.

Yours Truly + his girlfriend,
Lucas and Jenna.

I stop smiling like a crazy woman and grab my breakfast. I turn my t.v. on and watch my favorite shows, enjoying the breakfast prepared for me. I was so happy that Jenna and Lucas were together, and for two weeks? I was ecstatic.

I go downstairs and do what Lucas and Jenna had predicted, blast music and run around. I will make most of this crappy day.

Wake up Josh!" Luke yells at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask brushing of the water he sprinkled on my face.

❣︎𝑄𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑦 𝑌𝑒𝑡 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑙𝑦❣︎Where stories live. Discover now