Chapter 1: Caroline and Stefan's Wedding

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Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted a June wedding and she said that she wanted to plan this day ever since she met Stefan Salvatore in high school, until he dated her best friend, but when the time was right he finally had feelings for miss Caroline Forbes. Caroline and Stefan were friends from the very beginning, before Caroline was with him, he was with Elena Gilbert which was Caroline's best friend since pre-school. Now lets talk about Stefan and Caroline.

Caroline POV: "Oh my god its finally the June wedding that I've planned since High School, I can't believe I get to marry my best friend, Stefan Salvatore, today out of all days." Caroline was so excited she was getting her twin daughters, Lizzie and Josie ready for her wedding, Josie and Lizzie were excited to welcome Stefan as a step-father, they loved him so much already. Lizzie and Josie's dad is, Alaric Saltzman. Caroline has Bonnie as her brides-maid, and her kids are her flower-girls. Caroline's mom and dad would of loved to see her wedding to Stefan. Caroline's mom, Sheriff Liz Forbes knew Stefan was the one because when Caroline was turned into a vampire by Katherine Pierce Stefan was there for her. Every step of the way, when Caroline was turned she felt like no one was there for her, but Stefan was. He helped her control the hunger for blood mostly. 

Stefan's POV; "Damon I can't believe that today I get to be a married man to the girl that wanted to once get drunk with me when I first met her. I remember through all the dark of ages, It was hard when he lost her dad, and her mom. but Damon now you get a sister and 2 nieces. I can't wait to marry the woman of my dreams." 

Damon's POV: "Brother I'm so happy for you you. You've really changed in the last years of you being my little brother. We'v been through a lot, we had an abusive father, the cure, Elena, Sybil, and a bunch of more. Let's see your past relationships were, Valerie, Katherine, Elena, and Rebekah." Stefan than says, "First of all Rebekah was a one-drunken mistake." 

Bonnie's POV: "Caroline before Stefan you had, Damon, Matt, Tyler, and Alaric. But out out of all the guys you choose the right one. I can't wait until Enzo asks me to marry him.

The wedding was about to start. Damon was going to be the priest. Stefan was next to Damon when the music played when Bonnie walked with Lizzie and Josie than the moment came when Caroline walked to Stefan. Damon than said, would everyone please take your seats ladies and gentlemen. We are here to celebrate these two beautiful people, I assume you two have wrote your own vows, Stefan your up." 

"Caroline you've been my friend, my conscious, my sounding board, my sunlight when all I saw was darkness. You saved me from despair. You told me once I would fall in love without even realizing  it and that's what happened. Day by day, bit by bit, year by year, with you. -Stefan 

"Caroline it's your turn." Damon said.

"I remember saying to you, we were dancing at my prom...funny all the things we remember as all years go by... I remember how you told me that I was ready for you, you would be ready for me. I'm ready now. I think a part of me has been ready this moment I first saw you. The mystery guy in the hallway, at school. I will always remember this moment. 100 years from now. I will remember this moment. For the both of us. 

Damon than asks,"Stefan do you take this lovely woman to be your wife?" Stefan says, "I do!" Damon asks Caroline the same question and she says, "I do!" Damon than calls the munchkins to come up to bring the rings up. Both Caroline and Stefan put the rings on each other. Damon says proudly, "By the power of Virginia I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore." Damon than proudly told Stefan, "Brother you may kiss your wife." Stefan and Caroline finally kiss as a married couple. When everyone headed to the Salvatore room, Bonnie said out loud, "I would like to make a speech, Caroline we've been best friends since pre-school, I knew from the moment Stefan told you that he liked you and loves you, that he would be your husband. Caroline, your a fighter and I love you, Stefan welcome to my best friend's life." Than Damon said, "Brother we've had a lot of love life, but Care-bear, Blondie, I'm so glad that you came into my brother's life, Caroline you've shown my brother a lot of bravery, and love, sister-in-law welcome to the family." 

Alaric than said,"I also have a speech for the husband and the wife, Caroline you've grown into this amazing woman, who also is the mother of my two girls, Lizzie and Josie. Caroline and Stefan are amazing people that I once taught in history class at Mystic Falls High School. Stefan and Damon became like brothers to me." Later on Stefan and Caroline had there first dance as husband and wife. Than when it came time for the daddy + bride Damon told Caroline," I would love to dance with you sis." Caroline than says, "I would love to dance with you new bro." Stefan than led Caroline to Damon.

Alaric danced with the twins. Bonnie was dancing with Enzo. Everyone was having a good time, Stefan was smiling. So much because everyone that he loves was there to celebrate his and Caroline's wedding. Stefan  really wished that his mom, and he could tell that his wife could of seen her seen and dad. But I made a promise to her mom that I would always protect her Caroline and make sure nothing happens to her. When Liz died Caroline turned off her humanity and I turned my humanity off and then we got our humanity got back! 

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