Chaper 32 ferret

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I laugh a real laugh and Ella smiles
"There's the Vivian I know" she nudges me "okay so what up with the dark clothing though" she says while wiping away her almost dried tears

"What are you taking about I was being serious this is me well partially...but this is how I really dress"

"Well not gonna lie you look hot in that outfit, the style really suits you well it shows off your tough girl image" I can't help but grin at her. Maybe I really do need them.

"Please vivian don't shut us out any longer it's been dreadful it's like since you've been dreadful, everyone else also has been" she looks happy and so does everyone else even though they didn't look this happy earlier

"Yeah I guess it has something to do with the gift Apollo gave me or something" I say witch is probably the honest truth

"Oh.....well I don't wanna piss you off but I think you should talk to Malfoy" I groan "he's probably going to just shove me away or something or scream at me"

"Well I mean can you blame him, the love of his life shutting him out for two whole weeks without any explanation" I gasp at what she says and playfully slap her arm

"First of all I'm not the love of his life and two I know I messed up" she nods her at me "where is he?"

"Last I heard he was in the astronomy tower" Ella says with a bored tone

"Okay thanks el, you've helped through a lot of shit more than you know" I hug her and walk out of the great hall in search for Draco

I go up to the astronomy tower and look to see if he's there but he isn't but then again Ella didn't tell me when she heard that so it was probably early this morning. I walk out to the black lake where I see Harry sitting with Neville. But little did I know that Draco was up in the tree staring down while his goons were near.

"Sup Potter" I say waking up Harry who seems to be having a small talk with Neville longbottom

"Hey Vivian I see your out of your dorm I hope your doing well it's been awhile since I've seen you" I nod my head and sit down next to him "yeah I've been out of it lately I guess but I'm doing fine now"

Harry hugs me and I just sit there with my hand wrapped around legs
"Don't worry Vi you always have me to talk to if you ever need it" I smile and nod


Draco had watched the whole
Conversation from above them he couldn't believe she would talk to him but not talk to her and The fact that saint potter is trying to make a move on her since he thinks he's not There but Vivian didn't even notice him there

"What's up with black outfit I mean no offense or anything it's just I'm used to you wearing your robes" I shrug "this is how I always dress when I'm not at school and I'm out and about nothing new"

"Well it looks good on you, really matches your personality and style" I laugh at Harry and this is the last straw for Draco complimenting his girl who does the bloody git think he is?

"Oi Potter" I hadn't noticed Draco until I see him jump down from the tree not to far from us I watch as harry tenses and stands up as do I "what do you want Malfoy?" Harry says with venom

"Me and my father have a bet you see I don't think you'll last ten more minutes in this tournament but he thinks you won't last five" Draco and his goons laugh

"I don't care what your father think he's mean, cruel and vile and your just pathetic" Draco eyes seem to darken and Harry turns to leave and I see Draco point his wand at Harry "I'll show you pathetic"

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz