Chapter 14

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It was finally graduation day. Everyone was sitting waiting for Yugi to start to speak. Dawn and Diamond were sitting next to each other smiling. While Atem Muto was sitting with Yugi's grandpa, he was proud of his friends and girlfriend. Yugi smiles at Atem. Today the man became his older brother. For some reason Yugi was getting nervous, he read this speech out loud so many times. Now out of all the time he was getting nervous, Atem could see his little brother was nervous. Yugi looks at him again, Atem smiles and mouths,'You can do it panther.' Atem's words boosted Yugi's conference and started with his speech. As Yugi was speaking Diamond whispers to Dawn,"Who knew Yugi would get over his fear of public speaking." Dawn nods,"I know right." Yugi finishes his speech and leaves the podium so their principals can come up to congratulate them. The ceremony was an emotional event. After a few words from their principals it was time. The moment has come for students to become true adults and start their own path of life. Yugi and his friends finally graduate and they throw their scrolls in the air. Everyone met outside of the school.

"Finally it's over."Yugi sighs in relief.

Dawn nods,"I actually held my tears."

Diamond hugs Yugi's arm,"I didn't. Babe your speech was beautiful. I am so proud of you." She said with excitement and giving him kisses on his cheek.

Yugi smiles at her,"Thanks love."

Atem puts his arm around Dawn,"Congratulations. I am proud of all of you."

Everyone nods,"Thanks." They said. Yugi smiles,"Now you and I can spend some time with each other Atem." The girls giggle,"You know Atem is still older than you."Atem chuckles as he walks beside Yugi,"Come on now ladies. Yugi just wants to spend time with his older brother that's all." He was messed with Yugi's hair,"He probably wants some lady advice and man to man talks." Yugi blushes,"Do not! I just need to talk to you." Atem laughs,"Yeah a talk about women." The girls giggled and walked away for a moment to give them privacy. As soon as the girls were far enough, Atem let's go to Yugi. Atem smirks at him, not saying a word. Yugi looks at him confused,"What?" 

"Sooo how was it?" Atem asked

"How was what?" Yugi said still confused

Atem chuckles,"You know that night you stay at Diamond's place." 

Yugi blushes,"Wait you knew!"

Atem laughs,"Yugi I was a part of you for years. I knew you were planning something for her the moment you picked her up."

"Well let's just say it's a night I will never forget." Yugi said blushes "But enough about me. It is going to be a while till Diamond and I since we just started dating recently. As for you and Dawn, you both have been waiting for each other for the longest time. When are you planning to ask her to marry you and have an Egyptian wedding?"

Atem smiles,"Well I was planning to ask her today." He pulls out a ring out of his pocket.

Yugi sees the ring and gasps. He was really impressed that he got into modern culture quickly. "Atem she'll love it." 

Atem smiles,"Yep." He puts the ring back in his pocket. He smirks at him,"So tell me why does it matter that You and Diamond haven't been together for long for you two to get married? Yugi, you have loved women since you met her." He says knowing he does want to ask her the question.

"No, you're getting married before me then I'll ask her." 

Atem chuckles,"So you're saying you're scared to ask."

"Of course I am. Why aren't you?" 

"Because I have been waiting to ask her for so long. And she is waiting as well. I know she will say yes.

Yugi smiles,"Then don't hesitate. I promise I will ask Diamond soon."

Atem looks at him,"I won't. You better ask her soon." Then He looks at Dawn hoping to get her attention. Dawn and Diamond  were having a conversation. She had a feeling like something was watching her. She looked around and saw Atem looking at her. She walks up to him smiling.  "I'm here my love." Yugi stands next to Diamond and his friends telling them to watch. Atem blushed, he was getting nervous. Now he understands what Yugi met when he said he should be scared," Dawn. You are my everything, my best friend, and my soulmate. Ever since we first met I loved you. When you confess your feelings to me was the best day of my life." Atem's body started to shake. Dawn held his hand to make Atem bring back his confidence.

Yugi smiles,"Now the all mighty pharaoh is scared." Diamond giggles,"Even  the strongest of men can be afraid of the one they love Yugi." Everyone nodded agreeing with her.

Atem smiles. Dawn holding his hands truly brought back his confidence. He took a deep breath,"Dawn you make me the happiest man alive." "And you make me the happiest girl." Dawn replied. Atem goes on one knee and pulls out the ring,"Dawn will be the one I spent the rest of my life with by marrying me?" Dawn blinked but wasn't hesitant,"Yes! I'll marry you." She hugs him and kisses him. Everyone smiles and claps for the couple. Atem smiles and puts the ring on her finger. Then pick her up and split her around in a cycle. He was truly the happiest man alive. Diamond and the others run up to them to congratulate them.

"Dawn this what you always wanted."Diamond said smiling. Dawn nods 

"Now we have to plan for the wedding." Diamond jumps in place since she was excited,"Oh my gods! I am so excited I always wanted to do this." 

Everyone giggles,"I agree I want an Egyptian wedding." Dawn takes Diamond's hands,"And I wouldn't trust anyone else but you to plan our wedding." Diamond smiles

Atem agrees,"You and Yugi both.We are counting on you to plan the perfect Egyptian wedding for us." 

Yugi smiles,"I already told you that Dawn would want to see you for what you look like 5,000 years ago." Dawn blushes some. Diamond giggles some as well. Atem smiles at her,"Well I want it to be traditional as possible." Diamond looks at them,"You two can count on us. Yugi and I will make the wedding of your dreams." Yugi nods. Atem smiles,"I am glad to have your support. After all, my panther is going to be my best man." He says messing with Yugi's hair. "I had a feeling you were going to say that." Dawn and Atem look at each other smiling. "Well it makes sense to have you two as the best man and maid of honor since you two are our closest friends."Dawn said with a smile. "Now you two have to speak at our wedding as well."

"Oh Gods." Diamond said

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