Chapter 3

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Time passed and it was lunch time. The students ate their lunch on top of the roof since it was a nice day. Dawn couldn't stop thinking about why Diamond would lie to her. Plus the fact she told someone that she just met instead of her and Yugi about what happened to her . She was having a conversation with the others about what they are going to do after graduating. Meanwhile Yugi's mind was somewhere else worrying about Diamond. He didn't even notice Dawn was trying to get his attention.

Dawn waves her hand in front of his face,"Yugi. Come on snap out of it. I need to say something important." 

Yugi was pulled back to reality thanks to her."Oh hey Dawn. Sorry my mind was somewhere else. What's wrong?"

She sighs and shakes her head. She leans in and whispers in his ear what happened to Diamond.

He blinks,"You're serious! She told Aigami instead of us."

Dawn nods clearly upset about it,"She did...."

Yugi frowns,"But why? This is not like her to do this."

"I don't know but we need to find out why."

Yugi nods,"Right. After school we will find her and get to the bottom of it."

She nods. She looks up and the clear light blue sky. She couldn't help but feel like someone or something was controlling her. Yugi was in tents throughout the school day. He couldn't do anything or even focus in class. He was confused about what was going on with his friend. She was not just keeping secrets from him and Dawn but also she was lying to them. He wanted to know why. Finally the final bell rings to go home. Yugi packed his stuff and ran to the entrance to meet Dawn. He couldn't shake the feeling that something happened to Diamond. 'Please be okay. If not we will save you Diamond.' he says to himself. Dawn was waiting for him at the entrance and she was worried. He runs up to her asking what's wrong and if it had to do with their friend.

"Yugi listen to me. Something isn't right. I feel a present I can't explain it. I just have a bad feeling. We need to be careful."

"Well we don't have time to lose. We need to look for our friend."


Yugi and Dawn ran around Domino searching for her. They looked in all the places she could be the park, the library, and even the place where her dad worked. After hours of searching there was no sign of her. The sun was going down and it was going to get dark soon. Yugi and Dawn stopped at a bridge exhausted from running.

"She is nowhere to be found. It's like she disappeared. And on top of that it's getting late." Dawn says panting heavily.

Suddenly an aggressive girl voice said,"Back off! I'm warning you leave us alone!" It was coming from under the bridge where they were standing. Yugi and Dawn both blink and look at each other. "Did you hear that? That sounded like Diamond." With no hesitation Dawn ran to the edge of the bridge. She saw Diamond and Aigami getting bullied by a group of kids from their school. "They are getting bullied." Yugi looks down and sees them," Well need to help them."

Meanwhile Aigami stood in front of Diamond protecting her from the group of jerks. They laughed at him and pushed him into a wall. "Aigami!" She screams and runs to him. "Are you really going to let your girlfriend do all the talking for you?"  She glares at them,"I am serious. Back off or we are going to have a problem." The group looked at each other chuckling. They took this as a joke . What is some girl gonna do to them as they thought? "Oh and what are you gonna do if we don't?" Suddenly Dawn comes to the rescue and runs into the group punching one the kids knocking them to the ground. She shakes her hand since that punch her hand," There." Diamond blinks,"Dawn?" Yugi comes into the scene and glares at the group of bullies,"I don't like violence but for my friends. I will deal with that." Diamond looks at Yugi shock," Yugi?!" The group bullies realized they weren't going to finish their bully video right now. A short kid with red hair went up to Aigami telling him to make him at the abandoned factory alone or else. They leave smiling at Diamond. She gives them a disgusted look and watches them leave. 

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