Chapter 6

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The rehearsal of graduation came. Everyone was listening to Yugi's some were crying while others Joey were having a nap to his speech. Dawn was sitting next to Diamond listening to his speech. For some reason, Dawn keeps  getting chills up her spine like she was scared of something. She turns to Diamond covering herself," Is it cold in here or is it just me?'" Diamond looks at her with a lifeless expression and shakes her no. Then giving her attention back to Yugi. This terrified Dawn, Diamond looked like a zombie. She puts her hand on her shoulder,"Diamond are you alright? You look like you haven't been feeling well." Diamond gives a small smile," Yeah I am peachy."

For the rest of rehearsal nothing was said the whole time. Dawn was terrified to say another thing to Diamond. All she could think about was how to tell the others that something bad happened to Diamond. Finally an hour of rehearsal was over Dawn ran to her friends and pulled Yugi aside. Dawn pulled him somewhere private so no one could hear. "Dawn? What's gotten into you?" Yugi asked. Yugi saw the fear in her eyes and puts his hand on her shoulder,"What's wrong?" She hugs the guy shaking,"It's Diamond. Something bad happened to her. I just know it. I talked to her and gave me a soulless look. Yugi that's not our friend." Yugi hugs her back,"I am sure she stayed up late finishing her school work that's all." They looked at their friend group. Diamond and Aigami were with them laughing and having a good time. "See Diamond is fine." Yugi said. Dawn nods she knows something was wrong but she didn't want her friends to worry. So she kept it to herself. Yugi and Dawn walked back to their friends saying hello and them saying hello back.

"Hey Yug Dawn are you two busy today?"Joey asked

The two of them said no which made everyone very excited. "Great! How about the 8 of us go and get a bite?" Joey said. Of course everyone agreed and then left to go get some food. The group shared two tables near each other. Everyone was having a great time smiling, laughing, hanging out like normal teenages. Joey was showing his duel deck to Aigami. "Wow a red eyes black dragon impressive." He said  "Yeah me and this card have been through a lot" Joey added. 

"Aigami, have you played duel monsters?" Bakura asked

Aigami chuckles,"Well I have. I am very bad. Diamond tried teaching me. She is really good at teaching and playing the card game."

"Well it helps having an amazing teacher." Diamond says winking at Yugi, causing him to blush. "Well I am okay."

Everyone except Aigami blinks," Yugi! You are really good. You beat Seto Kaiba countless times." Dawn yelled

Diamond turns to Aigami,"Why don't you let Yugi give you some pointers?" 

Aigami nods with a smile. Then Joey comes into the conversation," How about you duel Yugi?" 

Aigami blinks,"Duel Yugi Muto. Well-"

"You don't have too. If you don't want to." Yugi said 

"No. I would love to duel you."

Yugi nods,"How about we have a tournament at my place." Everyone nods. "How exciting." Diamond cheered

"Yeah. And the winner of the tournament gets to duel this guy. Good prize if I say so myself."

Diamond giggles,"Alright Joey if you say so." She looks at her friends,"It's settled then. We will meet in Yugi's place to have our little play date then."

Time skip

It's the time for everyone to meet up at Yugi's place. Aigami, Joey, Bakura, and Diamond are walking together. 

"I am excited to duel Yugi. I haven't been thinking about anything else all day." 

Diamond giggles,"Don't be upset if you lose. Yugi is very strong when it comes to Duel Monsters." 

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