Chapter 10

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The girls shock at what they saw. They couldn't say any words they were speechless. All Dawn could do was cry she couldn't believe he was here. Atem used the power of the puzzle to part from Yuigi's body. They turn to the girls,"Dawn has missed you." Yugi said to Atem. Atem nods agreeing with him. Diamond tears of joy came down to her face seeing that Yugi is okay. She runs up to him,"Yugi!" He smiles at her and she runs into his arms. He hugs her tightly chuckling,"I'm okay Diamond." She looks at him upset for scaring her,"Don't you ever do that again Yugi Muto! Do you have any idea how scared I was!? I thought I was gonna lose you. I thought you were-" Yugi interrupted her by kissing her. Diamond blushes, she wasn't expecting him to do that. He parts from their kiss and just looks at her Heterochromia eyes."Don't worry I am not going anywhere." Diamond smiles and hugs him. They turned to see how Dawn is doing with Atem returning.

As for Dawn and Atem, he gives her a big smile and pulls out his hand to her,"My love." Dawn looks at his hand hesitant to take it. She looked at him for a moment and she couldn't believe he was actually here. Is this a dream? Is she dead? Is she hallucinating? These questions were going through her head. She slowly took his hand. Atem brings her close to him,"I missed you so much." He says putting this other hand on her face. She then hugs him,"Am I dreaming? Or dead?" Atem chuckles to her questions,"No, your not Dawn. I am actually here." She parted from their hug. Dawn realized everything was real. His touch, his shadow, the sound of his voice, everything about him was real. Atem was actually standing before her.  She lifts her hand and slaps him across his face "BAKA!" Atem steps back from her. He puts his hand where she slapped him. He wasn't expecting that kind of reaction but he did deserve it. Diamond covers her mouth so she doesn't laugh so loud. She tried her best but she couldn't help but laugh. She couldn't believe Dawn actually slapped Atem. Yugi looks at her with shock,"Diamond." He was as shocked as she was but he didn't think it was funny. He was worried for Atem. Dawn glares at Atem and walks up to him. Atem was actually kinda scared. He was not sure what else she was gonna do. When she made her way before him she grabbed his face and gave him the most passionate kiss that he ever received from a girl. Atem blinks for a moment, this girl never ceases to surprise him. He was truly happy to see her again. He kisses her back with the same amount of passion. She blushes as she feels him kissing her back but pulls away from him. She looks at him with a smile but with sad eyes as well,"Don't you have to go back. You can't stay here." Atem could see the sadness in her eyes but still gave her a smile,"My love you I would stay but I-" Diamond interrupted his sentence,"Don't you dare finish that sentence Atem!" The couple blinked and turned to her,"Diamond." Dawn whispers. Diamond and Yugi walk up to them,"It is obvious you two deserve to be together. Atem you must stay." Diamond said. Dawn shakes her head,"No it's okay. Really I'll be fine. I promise." Diamond could see right through her lies. She knew Dawn would not be fine. Atem is the only one who can bring back the happy Dawn she remembered. Diamond shakes her head,"Dawn you know that's not true. Stop lying to yourself Yugi and I know that's not true. I can't take another moment watching you cry from Atem." Atem blinks and turns to Dawn,"Is this true Dawn? You need to cry for me." Dawn couldn't hide the truth from Atem and her friends.  She blushes but nods,"Yes." Yugi stepped up to Atem,"It's true. She hasn't been herself since you left." 

Atem couldn't believe he was causing so much pain to Dawn. The woman he loves so much she was hurting because of him. Atem could barely think about how she felt. How could he do this to her? He puts his hand on her face,"Dawn how can I leave knowing this?" She blushes but shakes her head,"I know it's hard but I will be fine. We aren't soulmates because if we were then fate shouldn't have taken you away from me." He blinks and he couldn't believe Dawn was saying this. He couldn't believe she said they are not soulmates because he too felt empty without her. He felt tears coming down his face. He couldn't stop the tears from falling. "I promise you that I will come back, didn't I?" Dawn blinks as she hasn't seen him cry in so long. She hugged him,"I love you so much and you did kept your promise you did come back. I am truly happy to see you." Atem hugs her back,"Which is why I am going to stay." Dawn pulls away. Did he just say? "Can you do that?" Dawn questioned. Atem smiles and looks at Diamond and Yugi,"I am sure I know someone who can." Dawn looks at her friends," Guys what is he talking about?" Yugi and Diamond look at each smiling. "Well this was supposed to be a surprise after graduation but now is better than ever." Diamond says taking a piece of paper out of her pocket. "You know I have an obviousness with magic and have been learning some spells on my own time and I have been really good." Dawn nods,"Uh-huh but what does it have to with Atem." Diamond and Yugi smile at each other again,"Well Yugi found a wishing spell for someone in the afterlife. And it's the real thing I can actually do this spell." Dawn and Atem blinks,"You mean you can…" Diamond nods,"I can but Atem has truly wanted this." Atem nods he did truly wanted to stay. Dawn smiles and tackles the man to the ground,"I can finally marry you and live a life with you." She kissed his face all over. Atem laughs,"Yes I am looking forward to that." Yugi and Diamond smile seeing this. They were happy for their friends. Diamond giggles,"Okay you love birds. I need to do one thing first." Atem helps Dawn up from the ground. "What will that be Diamond?" Diamond walks up to Atem,"This." She touches the millennium puzzle causing it to disappear. Dawn blinks seeing this. How did she do that? "Diamond what did you do?" "Not much of the spell needed an item that connects him to this world. Which is the millennium puzzle. Thanks to Yugi's idea." Yugi scratches his head blushes,"You give me too much credit. Diamond did all of the magic stuff." Diamond blushes but giggles.

Dawn looks at Diamond with a big smile. Dawn gave her a real smile. Diamond looks at her as well. Diamond finally saw Dawn's true smile after so long. Dawn hugs her,"Thank you so much Diamond." Diamond hugs her back,"Of course. You are like a sister to me Dawn. Your happiness means a lot to me. You deserve someone who loves you."  "Diamond." After they stopped hugging they rest of their friend group came up running to them seeing if they were okay. Of course they see that Dawn, Diamond, and Yugi were okay. Atem smiles at them, seeing the pharaoh shocked the. Atem waves at them,"Hello there." Everyone greeted him and were happy to see him again and happy to know that he was for now on staying. Everyone was back in one piece. Seto and Mokuba were nowhere to be found. 

After a while of talking it was time for Dawn to get home and spend some time with Atem."Come let's all go home." Everyone nods and heads home except Yugi and Diamond. "Yugi Diamond are you two coming?" Atem asked. They nodded and followed Dawn and Atem. Dawn looks at Diamond,"Double Date." Diamond smiles,"Yes that sounds!! like a great wait." Atem blinks,"Wait Diamond and Yugi are dating!?"

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