Chapter 11

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The girls giggle at Atem's reaction. "Yeah Diamond and I just started dating today actually." Yugi smiles at Diamond, making her blush. The girls walked ahead of Yugi and Atem so they could have some girl talk. This was the perfect time for Yugi and Atem to catch up. Atem looks at him,"The last I was here Diamond was with Kabia. *sighs* I am glad she is not with him anymore. What happened between them"  Yugi looks at him,"It's a long and horrible story." Yugi explained what Kabia did to Diamond when he left. Atem listens to Yugi. He could tell about what Diamond was through which made him upset. Atem could see how much Yugi really cared about Diamond. Yugi looks at the ground,"Then when she was in Diva's control. I straight up kissed her after I confessed my feelings." Before Atem could comment on his story. Dawn was looking towards them catching his attention. "Boys. Diamond and I want to look nice for the date. We will be back." Atem smiles and nods,"Okay love. We will be here." Diamond runs up to Yugi and kisses his cheek,"Hopefully we won't be long." Yugi blushes but nods. She runs and drags Dawn inside her house to get ready. The boys heard Dawn complaining that she didn't get to kiss Atem before the girls went inside. The boys laugh hearing that. "Listen Yugi. Thanks to you Diamond is the happiest she could be." Yugi smiles hearing this.

"Well at least other people can tell that she is happier with me." 

Atem nods,"Well it's true." 

Yugi looks at him,"I know. You know I wasn't lying about Dawn. She really took it hard when you left."

Atem sighs,"I know you weren't. You wouldn't lie to me about Dawn. I am surprised she still loves me after all  the pain I caused her."

Yugi chuckles,"That's because in reality you are soulmates. You two complete each other. That's why destiny led me to found that spell. Now you have given a second chance." 

Atem smiles,"That is true. I am grateful for that chance panther. Thank you."

"Atem I want to give you my title. You are the true King of Games not me."

Atem blinks for a moment. Yugi was saying something that was far from the truth. Yugi was the one that beat him in a duel. He puts his own on his shoulder,"Your wrong Yugi. If I recall it was you who beat me in a duel. I don't want the title Yugi, at least I don't want it to just belong to me. I want to share the title with you Yugi." 

Yugi smiles," Okay I will gladly share it with you Atem."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." 

Yugi puts his hand on his chain like he was thinking,"I need to talk to grandpa about giving you our last name." 

"Your last name?" Atem said with confusion

Yugi laughs,"Well of course. You have to have one if you want to marry Dawn. This is not ancient Egypt, silly pharaoh."

"Oh right. Well it's different if you are a pharaoh. You just choose your wife, nothing more." Atem chuckles.

Yugi smirks,"That is true but pharaoh's also choose their queens to make children. Pharaohs like you need heirs." 

Atem notices what Yugi was trying to do. Saying those kinds of things won't fluster him so easily but unfortunately for his panther he was going to do the same thing. "That is true." He smirks at him,"I am sure Diamond would love to know what my panther can do outside of a duel." 

Yugi blushes heavily to his comment,"Shh that's private information Yami."

Atem laughs,"Oh that won't be private information to her for long my friend."

"Yeah I doubt you will stay a virgin."

The girls came out of the house all dressed up. They guys blushed at the sight of them. Atem gets close to Yugi and whispers in his ear,"Trust me I am not planning too." Yugi eyes widen hearing this. 'Oh boy' he says to himself as Atem goes to Dawn and compliments her. Yugi walks up to Diamond. He blushes even more seeing her. He has never seen her in a dress before. She was wearing an ankle-length white dress and her short hair was put to the side. Diamond blushes at him staring.

Dawn giggles,"Does Diamond look beautiful Yugi?" She said teasing Diamond. 

Diamond blushes even harder. Dawn knows that she hated wearing dresses. "Yeah you do look beautiful. You should wear dresses more often." Diamond still a blushing mess nodded. She already knew she couldn't hide her embarrassment.

"Where do you ladies want to go?

Dawn thinks for a moment and looks at Diamond,"How about we can go around Domino. What do you think of Diamond?" She nods agreeing with her,"Yes that's a good idea. The city is beautiful at night."

Dawn blushes, she takes Atem's hand,"Sounds like a plan." Atem smiles and follows her. He looks back for a moment noticing Yugi and Diamond were also holding hands having a conversation. He took this opportunity to tease Yugi about their conversation a moment ago. Yugi notices Atem looking at him. Atem winks at him,"You got this panther."

Diamond looks at blushing Yugi confused,"Yugi what does he mean by that?" Yugi, a blushing mess, didn't want to tell her about their conversation. So he glared at Atem and was going to give pay back. "And you should be making out with a certain girl." Dawn blushes. What on Earth is going on with these two the girls thought. "Is that a challenge?" Atem said, smirking. "It is." Yugi replied. "Boys, there is no need for this." Diamond said but they continued anyway. "Very well. I expect your challenge." Atem said. The girls blink they had no idea what they got themselves into. Diamond looks at Dawn,"What just happened?" Dawn shrugs,"I am not sure. A challenge I suppose." Diamond feels Yugi pulls her body close to him. She turns to Yugi seeing his face was close to hers. She blushes,"Yugi. What are you planning?" He smirks,"Oh nothing." He kisses her and they begin to walk around the city talking and enjoying the scenery of the city. Even though Diamond was having a time with Yugi. She really wanted to know what the deal was with the challenge with him and Atem. "Yugi what was that about with Atem?" Yugi blushes,"Nothing." He reaches over and kisses her some hoping to change the subject. Diamond giggles and puts her arms around him,"I'm serious Yugi." Yugi blushes seeing her giggles like that made his heart skip a beat 'Cute.' he thought to himself. Diamond giggles even more,"It's really cute when you blush." Yugi smiles,"Well alright. When you are being this cute I can't help but not keep anything from you. I challenge Atem to see who can make out with their girlfriend first. I challenge him to give him pay back for that comment he said to me earlier." Diamond smiles and gets closer to him,"Well I have got to say you are a good kisser since you already made out with me before." Yugi blinks,"That's right I kissed you passionately to get back to your senses when you were under Diva's control." Diamond blushes but nods,"Yeah you did." Yugi smirks,"How about I kiss you with the same passion?" Diamond blushes, she has never seen this side of Yugi before,"I would like that." Yugi smiles and kisses her with the same passion as when he confesses his feelings. Diamond kisses him back as well. Moments into their kiss Diamond hears foot and stops."I'm sorry. Was I too much?" Yugi said worried that he was pushing Diamond. She shakes her head,"No it's not you. I heard someone coming." She walked to where the footsteps were coming from with Yugi following. She blinks when she sees the last person she wanted to see on a date. A tall guy turns to them,"Seto."

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