Into pairs

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After an hour of working, i constructed a bow and some arrows.
I test my luck by closing my eyes and shooting it towards the target. The bottle crashed and broke on impact.

"Not bad..."

"Yami?..." said the delicate voice I grew to love.
"Y/n, over here!" I smile with anticipation, once y/n walked into the room my heart skipped a beat. Sadly it stopped when Nick showed up, putting an arm around her.

"Hey Yami, glad to see that you're safe."
"Actually I died."
"You died?!" Y/n gasped and quickly made her way to where i was.

"Your arm is bruised."

"It did do quite a number on me didnt it?"

"I didnt think that your past injuries stay with you...kinda."
"The impact must have been pretty harsh. Yami what exactly did Satan do to you?"
"Uhm..throw me against the wall, smashed my head into a nearby door, stabbed my leg, and sliced my arm off."
"IT SLICED YOUR ARM OFF?" Nick grew impressed. "Wow, thought you would be complaining on how much it hurts."
"Well ill start now, my neck hurts mostly because it sliced that too...i think thats how i died."

"Eh, at least you got a fast death." Nick puffed his cheeks out.
"Ow!" I look away, embarrassed on showing how weak I was in front of the girl i liked.
"Dont be shy, if this were me, i would have wanted to die from the pain being so harsh, your tough and you have every right to 'be in pain' hehe."

Her sentence really did make me feel better. As she bandaged my arm i saw Nick heading out. "Where are you going?"

"Can't stand to see the girl I like go crazy over some injury, ima look for the others." He frowned.

"Wait he actually likes me? Who knew?"

I face palmed.

"Aw now i feel bad, he must be pretty jealous."
"Let's follow him."

We caught up to him before the hallways shifted to a different direction. Y/n was talking away with Nick. She laughed and playfully punched him, she blushed at his gross comments and she kept touching him.

I was burning inside. Jealousy and rage was the only emotion I was feeling. I always hated those emotions because they make me think bad of myself.

I have to admit, Nick was actually good looking. Brown eyes, hair split to only one side, strong jawline. He had it all. He was built too, not a bodybuilder, but he did have a very manly figure....and he was tall.

Now dont get me wrong, i finally grew a few inches since I was separated from yugi. I was as tall as Tea, but still shorter than Tristin and Joey. Y/n was rather short, but just barely short enough to make me taller.

Nick..he looked about...6 foot. Maybe more. Y/n was a little shrimp compared to him. I just wish i could be a little taller than most people, ill probably get y/n to notice me.

But Nick is such a good looking guy, and he can fight too. Fantastic boyfriend material.

I shook my head. I wont compare myself to others, i should be happy with what I have. I still felt sad. I looked at my feet and kept walking.


I snap out of whatever I was doing and look up. "Hm?"

"You okay?"
"Yes, of course. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

Y/n was obviously suspicious, but she was forced to think of something else when she was greeted by the others.

"Ha knew you guys would find us."
"My head hurts.." Yugi complained.
"I dont know, maybe its because my brain couldn't handle the smell of shit! Joey you fuck nugget!"
"I really had to go!"

(Yami X Reader) (COMPLETE)Winning her heart Where stories live. Discover now