Between heaven and hell

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Yami POV
I dragged myself towards another wall. The running was exhausting, this has been going on for a while. I drink from the built in water fountain, thanking the gods that Pegasus was rich enough to install one on his house.

Now to find y/n.

Looking around, I quietly edge myself closer to the office, i take a sneak peek to see Pegasus...crying?

"How could you forget to lock the door! She's going to get killed!"
"A thousand apologies sir...but we were to scared to go near that door."
"That door contains monsters from hell, they could have killed us!"

"Y/n is most likely dead! NO! This cant happen!"
"What the hell do you mean by dead?!" I step inside without thinking.
"Get him!"
"No! Stop, let him speak."

"What on earth do you mean by dead? Answer me!"
"She entered the wrong portal..."
"What portal?"
"Limbo....she's in purgatory right now."

"What? I dont understand."

"You see that door over there, the wooden one."
"She's in there."
"Thanks for the tip." I turn to run but Pegasus caught a hold of my hand.
"Let me go! Ill fight you, i wont hesitate!"
"...nobody leaves limbo..."

"I had a best friend go through that door."

Pegasus POV
"What do you mean?" The boy asked.
"You see.."

I met this boy, he was very....strange. He would always ask me to play with him. Growing up, i didnt have too many friends, and school wasn't an option for me, so to get rid of boredom, i played and played, and played with that boy.

dodgeball, soccer, baseball, basketball, hop scotch, trampoline. Oh, i loved that boy. He was the first person i could ever call a friend. We met when we were 6 by the way...always doing stupid kid stuff was fun for us.

"Hey Nick! Wait for me!" I ran after him.
"Cmon slow poke! Woah! Hey max! Look over there!"

He would always call me by my first name, long ago, I preferred if people call me Pegasus. He was the only person i allowed to say my first name, which proved we were close. But since it was too long, he just stuck with Max.

"What's up? Woah!" My eyes sparkled, we sat down on the mountain's cliff, and gazed at the pretty sight before us. "That river looks like its made of glitter..."
"I know right? Ima drink it!"
"Ew gross! Nick! Dont drink that you're so gross!" I laughed.

"Who cares? If i get sick, it's your fault for not stopping me!" He runs down the cliff.
"I'm not your mom you baby! Ill beat ya first"

We grew up together, and that moment was one of the best moments i could have with him...i thought we could rule the world together, but..when we turned 16....everything tore us apart.

"Woah! Look at this house!" Nick gasped. "It's so...fricken big! Yo Max lets live here!"
"Thats gay." I chuckle.
"Aren't you gay? You sound gay to me."
"Whatever you turd." I playfully shove him. "This place is sure..?"

"Go inside, lets see what we can find!...that rhymed, woah that rhymed again!"

We explore the big house, and it was all shattered and broken down. But the doors of the house were made of glitter, and pure white marble. "Hey dude check this out." Nick calls for me.

"What's up?"
"These doors are all shiny and stuff, how come this one looks old and....gross."
"Dunno, maybe its an outhouse."
"In a place like this? Hard to believe."
"Ugh it smells bad." I cover my nose.

"No it doesnt, smells like...carpet?"
"Moldy cheesy carpet..." I finish.
"Let's go inside."
"Maybe we shouldnt...nick lets go."
"Cmon, man up! You're planning on marrying your girlfriend right? Man up for her."

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