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"What do you want from me?" She struggled in the arms of my biggest body guard. She grit her teeth, not afraid to show me her anger. "Well how else am I supposed to lure Y/n and Yami here?"

"Yami will kick your ass!"
"What about y/n?"
"She can eat shit for all I care."
"Excuse me? I'm sorry say that again you wretched disgrace."
"She. Can. Eat. Shit. Did I stutter?"


"Dont disrespect her like that!"
"Aren't you like really old? She's only like 16-17, you creep."
"Oh I have no problem turning myself into her age."
"You think magic still exists in this world? I thought Atem managed to lock it away somehow."
"Yes, that was for the shadow games, this is just black magic."

"You'll never get away with this! Atem will surely save me!"
"You can have the Pharoah if you want, I'm only here for my precious angel."
"Ugh, can you at least let me paint my nails while you have me as a hostage?"

Yami POV
Life points-1000
Yami and Y/n's life points-400

"How are we supposed to counter that giant army of bugs?" I sweat, the pressure was intense. It was y/n's turn when her eyes widened. "Uhm....Say Yami...I'm going to..put back all my monsters in my hand...Ill place down one magic card."

She wanted me to remove all the monsters on our field? Well, ill remove my monster, and place a card down.
"Alright then, giving up?"
"Your turn.." I mutter, still not sure on whats going on in y/n's head.

"Ill add an extra monster, my last one."
"Then ill add mine on the field too. The next turn, you guys are dead."
"Well then, i notice that all your monsters are the same type am I not wrong?"
"That gives me evidence that you only have a magic cards and only a few monsters."
" what? Who cares?"

"Ill activate my spell card, dark hole, it destroyed every single monster thats on the field."
"It's really simple, and since most of your monsters were on attack mode, you lose."

Life points-0


The ground starts shaking, I didnt think at all, i took hold of y/n and ran out of the black dust. It slowly shrunk as Y/n and I watched in horror, the black dust slowly shrunk and vanished, along with the two men.

"Ok...this is all wrong....hey look star chips!"
"Y/n we have to go, we have to quit!"
"Its for your own safety y/n, we have to go, NOW!"
"Ok fine, lets crash at my place till this dies down."
"No too dangerous, your coming with me to the game shop."

"Ughhhh i wanna sleeppppp"
"You'll sleep on my bed, lets go cmon!"
She groaned and I took her hand again and ran.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, furries and furniture, random people, toasters, even boxes, just...EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING GOD DAMN IT! The head of this tournament has an announcement."

"Hello, I'm seto Kaiba and i have been payed millions just to read something off this piece of paper, and since i like money more than my only family member, ima read it. says......Y/n and Yami we have kidnapped Tea...TEA? Like the thing you drink? OH he means TEAHHHH, okay, uh anyways. We have kidnapped Tea and we want y/n in return, come by my mansion at Main Street blah blah, and uhhh....y/n you be mine. I think he meant you WILL be mine, guess its a typo...uhhh anyways, i expect that money tonight because I'm a crack addict. Thank you for listening and continue with the duel."

"They have tea?"
"Well god damn it..." I sigh.
"We cant leave now, we have to save her."
"She hates you though."
"So what? Of i hated you i would hope you would still save me, lets go to this old guys place."
"We dont even know who he is."

"We can find out, but i bet its an old man, just wanting some Tea coochie."
"I hate you."
"No you dont lets go."
"So this is Main Street, how the fuck did he get a house here."
"Money is happiness in this town."
"Wait..this place looks familiar."
"Oh god i know this place...its your moms house yami, I've been here when i was plowing her."

"I'm being serious....this is.....the house of....Pegasus!"
"Pegasus? Like uh....pony? Damn it i told yugi not to watch my little pony in front of you."
"Okay first, MLP is a great show, and i cried when it ended, second, PEGASUS IS THE CEO OF DUEL MONSTERS!"

'Well what does he want from me?"
I knocked on the door and sighed.
"I'm not sure."

The doors automatically opened and we stepped inside.
"Pegasus, give us Tea!"
"You guys wanna see Pegasus huh? Well lets settle this with a duel!"
"Hey look Pharoah two other guys I dont give a shit about, lets kick their ass!"

"I'm down. Lets go bitches."
Pegasus POV
"sir, we lost your two first-"
"do you think I dont know that?"
" the way-"
"i know y/n is here, i can see through the camera's"

"when are you planning on letting me go?"
"as soon as I get my hands on that y/n girl."
"lemme go!"
"shut the womens mouth for me will you chad?"
"my pleasure sir."

I could hear the muffles of the girls delicate voice, the tape surronded her mouth, closingit shut. Her whines grew louder, as a reward she was given a massive amount of tape. She cried, and all I could hear was the girl struggling to capture a breath. The gaurd must have placed tape on her nose, preventing any air from entering her body.

"sir shall I let her-"
"let the girl pass out, then remove the tape, i want her to be quiet, not to die."
"yes sir."

The muffled noises lowered, and silence overcame the room. The only noise you could hear was the the cool minty breeze from the windows, and dueling devises being turned on from downstairs.

Chad removed the tape from the girls mouth, her body reacted and forced air into her, gasping a loud breath of air. She coughed, but fainted again. Most likely from shock or the new found pressure.

"This is your chance to get the girl without any trouble." I grinned. "You can easy snatch her from the duel and kick the others out."
"What makes you think that Yami will just leave?"
"You're right, ill make sure to send y/n somewhere proper then."
"Like where."

"Hm, lets start off with putting her into the deepest parts of another dimension."

(Yami X Reader) (COMPLETE)Winning her heart Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant