A living nightmare

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"Ha!" I playfully brag. I managed to come up with a nice plan for their life points to decrease. Y/n on the other hand is struggling to take a hint. I need some kind of message to make sure she knows what to do. Instead of telling her(thats cheating) ill have to give her obvious body language.

"What exactly are you planning Pharoah..." she muttered, her worried expression vanished and was replaced by a cute, mischievous smirk. "Aw, my majesty is smart."

I blush at the nickname, keeping what she said in mind, i place one card down.
"Face it, you ain't winning."
"Don't shit talk." I roll my eyes. "You're losing this game."
"Ill activate my spell card-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Pegasus would like to see y/n"
"Give us back Tea!" She shouts.
"Sure, but Yami will have to make up that choice."

"If you give us y/n, we can give you Tea."
"Never in hell would i ever force myself to make a decision like that." I glare.
"Hmp, well, guess we can say that y/n...is fucked."

"What are you talking about you-" y/n stopped as she looked next to her. It was a trap door, but she was inches away from falling in it...must have been a miscalculation.

"....you were supposed to fall." The guard whispered.
"Well I didnt..asshole." She muttered.
I took a picture with my phone.
"Pegasus is getting so much shit after i post on social media."

"Really? Hold up lemme like your post." Y/n pulled her phone out.
and so did the guard.
And the two guys we were dueling.
Even the maid in the corner.

"What the fuck dicks? Get off your phones." I heard Pegasus say in a loud speaker.
"Yeah sure lemme just like this post real quick."
"Damn yami you look good in this picture." The maid said enthusiastically.
"Hey slave, Shut the fuck up." Y/n glared. Giving me a bit of pride for her...or what i think, jealousy.

"Get off the fucking phones you dick asses."
"Ok....are you guys ready?"
"Nobody asked you slave." Y/n glared at the maid.
"Yami said guys."
"Yeah well he meant like...the main characters of this episode, the cool ones. Bitch."

"Take her!"

Y/n pov
"Uh oh."
"Get over here!"
"What the fuck-AH" i jumped out of the way just in time to avoid getting captured.
"Y/n over here! We can get Tea!"

"Got it!" I parkour horribly around the stair case. "Ow."
He takes my hand without asking me, and pulls me upstairs.
"We run into a dead end."

"Welp, we're fucked. Let's call the others and say goodbye."
"No, we can find a way out."
"Where?" I freak out.

"Through the vents."
"Can we even fit in there?"
"Well....you can."
"Say what?"

"I'm to big to fit in the vent, but your petite form can easily go in."
"Hell no im not leaving you."
"Their after you anyways! What do they want from me?"
"I dont fucking know, they gay and they want your dick!"

"Just go in the damn vent."

"I see them!" One of the guards yell.

"Y/n, GO!"


Yami lifted me onto his shoulders, and I easily went in the vent.

"Okay, where do i go?"

"Hey get back here yami!"
"Where y/n?"

Yami runs away, but as he runs, he shouts "find the office, Pegasus is probably in there!..."

(Yami X Reader) (COMPLETE)Winning her heart Where stories live. Discover now