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Tristin POV
Yugi was being a a little prick, but because we love each other so damn much, i decided to help him with his genius plan.
"Yugi you have to write the love letter, and ill tell you what to write."
"Why cant it be the other way around?"
"Because you suck at writing stuff, and plus, your handwriting is girly."
"Eat ass." He pouts.
"What do I write then?"


Dear Yami,
I have developed feelings for you. I only realized this when we met at the bar-

"Yami does not drink dumbass." Yugi made a disgusted face.
"He does now, it'll get his attention ANYWAYS."

I want you to meet me at the old abandoned classroom, room 509, so i can tell you face to face. I hope you can return my feelings.
-Your secret admirer

" not going to fucking work, what in the hell makes you think yami will ever fall for this shit. It's absolutely disgusting on how you think this will work, you stupid stupid boy."

Y/n pov
School was out, which meant more time for me at the arcade. I like beating everyone's asses there because...who doesnt? Before that, i guess ill get a bite to eat, and maybe trade for some new cards. I have to prepare for that tournament that's coming up in a few days.

Entering the old shop gave me a great feeling. Funny thing is, this was Yugi's grandpas game shop. Yugi and i were close friends before, but we slowly drifted apart, only because he found some new friends. Not gonna lie, I'm proud of him.

"Hello there y/n, are you here for the usual?" Gramps asks me.
"Yep, but with the trading and all, i wanted to buy some new packs."
"Oh yeah sure, its to your left."

I heard a door open in the shop, but didnt think much of it. Well until...
"Y/n!" A soft voice yelled.
"Whattup yugi, hows it goin?"
"Pretty good, say uhh...can you do me a favor?"
"Yeah sure whats up?"

"Uhm, you know that old classroom nobody goes to...well I'm.."
"To scared and you left something in there for me to get and you want me to go instead of you."
"You dont mind right?.."
"Of course not, you're my pal. Be right back gramps."

Yami pov
I opened my locker and a pink, glitter filled note fell out of my locker.
Reading it, i grew more bored. It's another love confession huh? Well, i dont wanna end up breaking the poor girls heart, so i mind as well go...

I slowly make my way towards the classroom, taking my time. I saw Tristin in front of the class.
"Hey Tristin, what you up to?" I ask.
"Yo, I'm just waiting here, my parents are picking me up and its quiet in here."
"Is there a girl in that class?"
"Huh? Oh no, why?" He smirked.

"God damn it Tristin did you give me this love letter?"
"What love letter?"
"Never mind ill wait."

I walk in the classroom and sit down, i rehearse my lines of rejection. I know i wont end up liking this girl because...i dont like anyone. No girl here can catch my eye. They are either horny teenagers looking for some ass, or annoying.

"Hey y/n." Tristin greeted.
Uh-oh. It's the bitch from yesterday. All day we glared at each other; fucking dick.
"Oh yeah its here."

She entered the room, of course the first thing that happened was immediate eye contact. Wait, was she the girl in the letter?
"Hey y/n." Yugi walks in.
"Oh uh...i thought you said you were-"
"Haha JK LOL RAWR" yugi yells, and he slams the door shut.
Tristin closed the door and I heard a lock.

(Yami X Reader) (COMPLETE)Winning her heart Where stories live. Discover now